This may be of interest to the group members--a spat between Ankit Fadia and another self-proclaimed security expert...I wonder if we, as a community, should respond to this.
i guess the only real way to respond is cheer and support those who are really fighting for freedom. Those who want to ``bother us with politics" are best ignored. At the end of the day the people who are actually contributing to Free Software, even in the smallest possible way are the ones who are going to change the world. Those who want to just have public spats and quote big names, are free to do that. At the end of the day it really achieves nothing except a waste of time and energy.
If someone has violated GPL, or even plagiarised someone's genuine copyrite of a GPL'd program then it is a matter of concern and something must be done. Though i personally doubt this case qualifies as one.
The only thing we can so is continue spreading awareness amoung the people around us, and beyond of what Free Software is all about and why it's important.
- vihan