Looks like Microsoft is doing its bit to promote Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) in the more affluent parts of the globe, like the Gulf. Some background of an interesting case. Interesting, many of the key players in the Gulf FLOSS movement seem to be expat Indians, at least going by the active posters on this list. FN PS: As typical, the newspaper report has mixed up Free Software with "freeware".
From Linux-middleeast@yahoogroups.com Wed Jun 18 21:50:07 2003
To subscribe send an email to: Linux-middleeast-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
================================================ Linux Movement in the Middle East is sponsored by GoldenSun Internet Consulting & Research, Phone :971-4-2728310 /Fax:971-4-2728320 http://www.uaelug.org Moderator GSC Prabhakar James - Linux User Group -Founded 1999.
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Message: 1 Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 04:46:30 -0000 From: "prabhags" prabhags@goldensun.com Subject: Re: Business Software Alliance's faxes to Companies
Dear Montuewed,
Sorry for the late response. I expected other members would write about BSA 's faxes to companies.BSA is a watchdog for Microsoft and dozen other Propreitary companies.
It is not a government organisation. But they think they are government and misrepresent to the companies like that. BSA was founded primarily by Microsoft and they operate from Microsoft office in Dubai. You need not give any information to BSA about the software in your company. They have no authorisation. But they can inform people about legalising the proprietary software and educating about anti-piracy on behalf of their sponsors.
Anyway I have taken the arrogant faxes sent by BSA to companies in the UAE very seriously and warned BSA not to send any annoying faxes to Companies asking for Private software details in the guise of Software Audit and passing the information to BSA members. I am forwarding the copies of my letters to BSA and other information to the LUG members.
We as Linux Users, who advocate and use Open Source should fight this type of dubious data collection by BSA who threaten companies indirectly to use their proprietary software.
--- In Linux-middleeast@yahoogroups.com, "Montuewed T.F.S" <montuewed@e...> wrote:
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Message: 2 Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 21:52:07 -0700 (PDT) From: John Joseph jjk_saji@yahoo.com Subject: Re: Re: Business Software Alliance's faxes to Companies
Dear Prabhakar
Thanks for the information , even I thought it is a govt body , actually they are propagating open source in an indirect way. Bulling others and indirectly forcing them to look for alternative OS and application
Thanks Joseph John
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Message: 3 Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 08:55:29 +0400 From: "GSC Prabhakar (R)" prabhags@goldensun.com Subject: OOT -Copy of the FAX sent to BSA for their
Hello Friends,
Following is the copy of the Fax which I sent to BSA .
COPY of the FAX sent to BSA Chairman. ==================================== 6th May 2003
Mr. Jawad Al Redha Chairman Phone : 8004828 Business Software Alliance Fax: 04-3811948 Post Box 9275 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dear Mr. Jawad,
I happened to see your faxes signed by you sent to our organization asking for details of software installed at our company and also informing that your records (?) currently do not show that our company as having purchased any software ( in all these years of our operation?!) . We would be glad to respond and enlighten BSA on various methods and alternatives available to curb software issues and initiate best alternative solutions available to all the software users in the middle east.
Before we respond to your queries please fax the following information to 04-2728320
1. Your trading license and list of personnel involved in the software data collection.
2. Copy of the authorization letter obtained from the appropriate government ministry to collect this data from companies.
3. We know that BSA is working with Microsoft, functioning from Microsoft premises, Dubai, I would like to know whether your people have verified before sending the fax about the details about our company from your co-tenant Microsoft regarding the Software licenses obtained for our company ? It seems that proper data was not verified before sending faxes, signed by you. Unfortunately they have not even verified whom to send the fax.
4. I have a question, If we have more licenses but less number of computers which would use the software can you help us get the refund for the unutilized part of the licenses from Microsoft and other BSA members?
5. May we also know your Computer configuration, network security setup, Anti-virus software , other productivity and database software which you use , so we can get enlightened on the various software available for productive use. By the way can we get your phone number ( not the anonymous voice mail 8004828 number ), so we can call and get your advice or various matters ?
6. I appreciate your assistance for managing our valuable software licenses. As a matter of reciprocating your kindness we are glad to offer FREE awareness programs by Educating and Training BSA personnel and also to the companies which you recommend in HOW TO ACHIEVE ZERO PIRACY IN COMPUTERS. This would greatly help fighting Software Piracy. Please let us know when we can schedule this FREE awareness program.
7. I am glad to invite you and your friends to my office to have a cup of tea with us and know about us.
We are with you in fighting Software Piracy though we use another effective method, which I would like to share with you soon.
GSC Prabhakar Chief Executive Officer GoldenSun Internet Consulting & Research
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http://www.gulfnews.com/Articles/News.asp?ArticleID=90419 ============================================================= Anti-piracy watchdog prod irks free software promoters - GULF NEWS 17th June 2003 Dubai | By Jay B. Hilotin | 17/06/2003
Proponents of freeware and Open Source in the UAE have been incensed by repeated warnings and veiled threats of raids from the Business Software Alliance (BSA), a global software anti-piracy watchdog funded by giants such as Microsoft.
Open Source, a consortium composed of software publishers that promote zero piracy through 'freeware' and full access to application source codes, offers alternatives to what they call 'proprietary' programmes for which companies and individual users must pay to legally use a software.
Dr G.S.C. Prabhakar James, CEO of GoldenSun Internet Consulting and Research, refused to submit an inventory of software used in his company to the BSA, saying that the alliance has no authority to demand private corporate information.
"We're not questioning the anti-piracy drive. We are for the protection of intellectual property rights. Open Source actually helps to achieve zero piracy by giving the source codes away for the basic applications.
"We think BSA's behaviour is arrogant, pestering companies for information on the software they are using. They need to be more polite and professional in their communication to the companies in the UAE. BSA is asking other people to do their homework for them," he told Gulf News.
Source codes are the slew of commands that enable software programmers to customise or debug applications according to their requirement. The Open Source community encourages enhancements to be open for further developments.
"What is the assurance that when companies submit a list of their software assets, the information won't be misused?" asked Prabhakar, an ex-Microsoft employee who currently considers himself an Open Source proselytiser.
"These warning letters are a form of bullying. Even government departments in the UAE don't employ this strong-arm tactics when they ask for specific information from companies. They assure people the information will be used only for a specific purpose. The BSA is not even a government organisation but is trying to act as one."
BSA-Middle East on its part said in a letter posted to companies in the UAE that it will not disclose any information concerning software inventory of customers who cooperate with them, except to the concerned members in order for them to offer support, upgrades, and promotional offers.
The letter, signed by Jawad Al Redha, the alliance's co-chairman in Middle East, urges companies to fill out a software asset management form, along with newspaper clippings of raids conducted by UAE authorities in conjunction with the alliance.
"This is something that we've been doing for many years now," said Al Redha. He maintained that such reminders are part of their regular campaign to curb software piracy.
The letter says: "Because our records do not currently show your company as having purchased any software licenses, it could well be that the software in your possession has been installed without appropriate licenses and perhaps even without your knowledge."
The form asks for a list of software applications, along with the copies of licenses. BSA also reiterated that for every copy of software being used, companies must purchase a user license. Therefore, a company that has 10 computers must have purchased 10 licenses.
The group said that the campaign helps companies that use legal software own an inventory that can assist them in keeping tabs on software assets. It also help them identify upgradation requirements for the system.
"The campaigns give users of illegal software a chance to benefit from the discounted rates offered by BSA members, in addition to saving time and money through free audits."
Says Prabakhar: "If BSA has proper authorisation, they are welcome to check my software assets anytime."
Another Open Source user is unfazed. "The tribe (of Open Source users) is growing," he said, pointing out that Apache, a freeware product developed by the Open Source community, now accounts for over 62 per cent of the market for Internet servers, while Microsoft accounts for 27 per cent.
BSA reiterated that the campaign is just a request to customers to show that they are complying with the country's copyright laws. The campaign, which began in April 2003, ran for two months. According to BSA, the compliance rate will only be available after data from the current campaign has been collected.
"Even if 99 per cent of the companies send their private data to the BSA, I won't comply with their demand, simply because of one basic principle: they have no right to demand so," said Prabhakar.
He pointed out that there are many Open Source users now in the UAE, and he is willing to offer a free course on the subject to the BSA members here. "Even banks and government departments are now starting to migrate to use Open Source applications."
C Al Nisr Publishing LLC - Gulf News Online