---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Patrice Riemens patrice@xs4all.nl Date: Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 8:20 PM
Hi All,
The SELF project (*) and the Open University of Catalonia have jointly produced the book "Introduction to Free Software", a really wonderful compendium of all you want to know, and to share, about Free Software (formerly 'F/OSS' or 'FLOSS') (**).
It's 200p + 80 p appendixes. Free to download at:
You must then go to (down the page, 'attachments'):
Introduction_to_FS--SELF.pdf 2.09 MB for the book, and to:
Introduction_to_FS--SELF_errata.pdf 38.18 KB for the errors (a few)
A print version is also available, but even at costprice, pricey: Euro 11 + postage (add the same amount...). So what you could do is to print it on locale and distribute it around. The whole thing is of course copyleft!
(*) Now formally terminated, and is being continued thru the Free Knowledge Institute (http://www.freeknowledge.eu/)
(**) After that book I decided to do away with the cumbersome, confusing, and ill-defined 'Open Source'. For me it's now Free Software all the way. Never mind people who still think it's about beer... ;-)
Cheers to all, patrizio & Diiiinooos!
-- Any responsible politician should be encouraging a home grown Free Software industry because it creates the basis for future jobs. Learning Windows is like learning to eat every meal at McDonalds.