On Monday 20 Jan 2003 9:12 pm, you wrote:
EIID ------ The District Panchayat of Ernakulam, as a part of the IXth Five Year Plan decided to strongly intervene in the promotion of electronics and IT related economic activity in the District. A project named Electronics Industrialisation Infrastructure Development Project (Project EIID) was launched which had to formulate a master plan for the District considering its resources and market potential.
Project EIID identified IT application in Government as one of the major areas of intervention apart from its commendable efforts in other areas of allied industrial activity. As a result of the suggestion put forward by Project EIID, the District Panchayat of Ernakulam promoted a Scientific and Literary Society named Electronics Industrialisation Infrastructure Development Society (EIID) to implement the project ideas. The Governing Body of EIID comprises of elected representatives of District Panchayat, Grama Panchayat, Block Panchayat apart from technical persons in the District.
A model project titled "Panchayat Level Information Network - Local Resource Data Base Preparation" was implemented by EIID as a pilot effort in 3 LSGI in the plan year 1999-2000. As a consequence of the model project, EIID has developed a human resource bank capable in various aspects of the project like Campaign ,System Design, Related Content Generation, Software Development and Support, Electronic Data Conversion and Training. Added to this is the vast network of voluntary service personnel associated with EIID as part of Peoples Plan Programme.
ATPS -------- As there was change in Ernakulam District Panchayath Administration they have stoped the actvities of EIID. Tnen ATPS (Apropriate Technology Promotion Society an non-profit making charitable society) was registred by a group of person worked for EIID. ATPS is now providing financila support to OSS. ATPS is registred at Ernakulam.
OSS ------ (Open Software Solutions Industrial Co-operative Society) is an Industrial co-operative society formed under the giudance of EIID. Now OSS is having 40 members. Registerd at Chottanikkara Panchayath in 2000
SEPSIT ----------- SEPSIT (Social Entreprenuership Promotion Society on Information Technology) is a charitable society (non-profit making established in 2002) based at Kannur for promoting social entreprenuership in IT sector.
CPOSIT ----------- Center for Promotion of Open Systems in Information Technology is a organisation similar to SEPSIT based at Kasaragod district registered in 2003
All these organisations are working for the promotion of GPL in varous sectors (Out of this EIID is not working now.)
You may get more information from 'Vivara Vicharam' a malayalam publication.
We encourage to set-up similar organisations in all districts of Keralm. We will share our experience with the interested persons. If required we are ready to take initiative for this