Thank you. The fact that the emacs-indian/m-17 site
I am not familiar with this site. What is its full name? Could you tell me the names and email addresses of the people who run them?
mentions the CDAC fonts, and provides them for download had me assuming that they might be available under the GPL (or some equivalent for fonts) license. I shall see if someone from CDAC can clarify.
If these fonts are in fact still non-free, then it is a very bad thing for a site associated with Emacs to be offering them for download, or even to mention that they exist.
We need to find out the real situation. There is no need to talk with "someone from CDAC" about it; that is not reliable, since the "someone" might try to confuse the matter--or might simply be mistaken. It could take you lots of work and time to find the right "someone" and get a straight answer. That work is unnecessary anyway.
The question is: what is license on these fonts? That is a simple factual question, and you can check the answer directly. Just download them from the "emacs-indian/m-17 site" and look at what license they contain.
Could you please download them, extract the license that they carry, and show it to us?
Hi all,
On 10/13/05, Richard M. Stallman wrote:
I downloaded the package and couldn't find any licence file.But according to me It seems to have some proprietory licencing because first line at says that Project Team has received permission from C-DAC to use the font.GPL or compatible licences don't require that kind of permission. I wonder how these fonts will be integrated with Emacs without having GPL licencing.
Nikhil Prabhakar
"Live Life Ethically"
I downloaded the package and couldn't find any licence file.But according to me It seems to have some proprietory licencing because first line at says that Project Team has received permission from C-DAC to use the font.
The absence of a license means that these fonts are non-free. "Permission from C-DAC to use the font" does not alter that, so it does not make the situation any better.
It is a bad thing that is distributing non-free fonts from C-DAC.
Can someone tell me the name and email address of the people who run that site? We should write to them to ask them to stop distributing these fonts, but first we should think carefully about what to say to them.
I have cc'd Kenichi Handa because he is closely involved in Emacs internationalization, and because he has some connection (I don't know what) with that site.