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Dear Joe, Also we should send an invitation to all Dailies. Hindu and express are must. Also, we shoud request them to send one of their reporters to our festival and to publish in the Engagements column. People should know something happening.
--------Original Message -------
I've been away from the list for a while. Personal commitments.
Well, I guess the threads I started about SFD had died out without response. Its ok. I've worked out a `Free Software Festival'. The GLUG-Mdu members of TCE and the GLUGOT members are conducting this. I want this to extend beyond the boundaries of TCE.
We've started work on 'FStival', a Free Software Festival., on August 28., the Software Freedom Day. I've updated http://www.glug-madurai.org/ regarding this. We've sent out call letters to neighbouring Engineering Colleges. I'll sending another batch of call letters to the Arts & Sciences colleges in and around Madurai. The Hindu had announced about the FStival in their Friday issue (page 2). So, work has been happening.
The agenda for the FStival is : 1. 9.30 - 10.30 : Inagural ceremony 2. 10.45 - 13.00 : Tutorials 3. 14.00 - 15.00 : Software contest 4. 11.00 - 17.00 : Free software exhibition
Venue : Thiagarjar College of Engineering, Madurai.
Tutorials: Currently I'm trying to fix a friend of mine from ILUGC to talk about UNIX and database programming. I've some student volunteers for PHP,and DotGNU. If any of you would be interested in taking a tutorial session of any topic please contact me or "fstival@tce.edu". We need to finalise this list by wednesday. So, if you have something in mind please tell us fast. The topic can be anything(technical) related to Free Software.
Software Contest: I know this is coming as a shortnotice. This contest is open for all. You've to submit your entry before 26-08-2004. The rules are: ->The software should run on GNU/Linux. ->The software should not require a Non-Free library/compiler or any Non-Free Dependancy for execution. ->The source code of the software should be under a Free software license. ()
Free Software Exhibition: This is a collection of stalls showcasing Free Software from various areas. We've a number of stalls put up by GLUGOT volunteers. However, this is also open for all. If you want to show anything please contact me or fstival@tce.edu. We can work it out for you. We are planning to do CD distribution at the FStival. I have the following distributions with me.
-> Debian Woody -> Debian Sarge (build: 07-08-2004) -> RedHat 9 -> KNOPPIX 3.4 -> Tamil KNOPPIX
I'm in the process of downloading TheOpenCD which is a collection of FreeSoftware for M$Windows. Apart from these, I'd like to have Fedora, Mandrake and all the other distributions. I'll also get Debian GNU/Hurd. The CD distribution stall will have a CD-Burner. You'll be charged for the cost of the CD. Or you can bring in your own CDs and we'll burn it for you.
Another highlight of the exhibition is we are planning to have a installation stall. We'll up a machine with a choice of distribution CDs. The visitor can try installing GNU/Linux here before trying at home. This is purely to help the new people clear out their doubts and to make sure they wont screw their exisiting system up.
So this is it. The FStival is open for your participation.
Cheers, Joe
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On Sun, 22 Aug 2004, Frederick Noronha (FN) wrote:
Getting Dailies attention is very difficult. When we(ILUGC) contacted the LDD, we send the invitation to the most of Dailies and FM Radios in Chennai. But No response :)
May be Joe can send the invitation thru his college PRO/Admin.
Bye :)
Bharathi S wrote:
These days, business considerations seem to weigh over issues of real value to public. The latest information and happenings in the free software movement are certainly news worthy. Probably we need to invite the press well in advance, even meet the editor with requests to send in reporters, may be even write elaborate press releases. It would be worth while to write to the vernacular press, whose coverage of news is generally more lively and relevant. Local weekly newspapers like "Adayar Times" or "Anna Nagar Times" could help in a better way, because they are distributed free of cost locally.
One more issue: Recently, I had the occasion to observe "reporting" about events that unfolded right before my eyes by the Hindu and Express, and felt that much of what was reported as "news" should be taken in with caution. Misleading reports, inflammatory leads, contorsion of facts, propaganda, editorialization with strong bias, unfair lop sided views with serious shortcomings, incorrect headings and more worrying content seem to find their way into leading newspapers. There is no way we can ask for more details about a particular report directly from the reporter. There is a "real estate" limitation, and editors can easily reject our views, opinions. RMS recently wrote the need to report without violating fundamental rules of journalism:http://mm.gnu.org.in/pipermail/fsf-friends/2003-October/001220.html
If, newspapers could report about our activities, well and good. But, it is better to ask people to join the mailing lists in large numbers, so that our views could reach a large number of people more directly and instantly, and also enable the readers to interact with the report in a more lively manner by asking questions about the report. Every subscriber gets a fair chance to report his observations and opinions also, and mailing lists are more open and archived. Since a more direct and better way of dissemination of news and views is available, should we focus more on inviting more people to join our mailing lists?
We should try to bring more people to the list.
Regarding journalists what i find is that they dont really understand technology. Educating journalists can really help us. If we educate them before others then there is better chance that they will talk of our side. They can help us a lot, once convinced, so should try to get them in our side.
regards, arun.