A security consultant based in New Zealand has released a tool that can unlock Windows computers in seconds without the need for a password.
Boileau, a consultant with Immunity Inc., said he did not release the tool publicly in 2006 because "Microsoft was a little cagey about exactly whether Firewire memory access was a real security issue or not and we didn't want to cause any real trouble".
But now that a couple of years have passed and the issue has not resolved, Boileau decided to release the tool on his website.
To use the tool, hackers must connect a Linux-based computer to a Firewire port on the target machine. The machine is then tricked into allowing the attacking computer to have read and write access to its memory.
With full access to the memory, the tool can then modify Windows' password protection code, which is stored there, and render it ineffective.
below is the link
to paraquote a slashdot commenter, this affects the all firewire controllers independent of what underlying operating system.
On 3/8/08, Omshiva prakash omshivaprakash@gmail.com wrote: