---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Arun Vishnu M.V arunmvishnu@yahoo.com Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 17:08:18 -0000 Subject: [glugc] Ubuntu 5.04 Preview To: glugc@yahoogroups.com
Hi friends, The Ubuntu Team is proud to announce the preview of their second release: Ubuntu 5.04-preview - codenamed "Hoary Hedgehog" (*). The preview release includes both install CDs and bootable Live CDs for three architectures. There are CD images of the preview release in both Install and Live CD format for Intel/x86, PowerPC and AMD64 here:
You can either download from http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/
or order Free CD's in http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ The final version of Ubuntu 5.04 is expected to be released in early April. Arun Vishnu http://www.geocities.com/arunmvishnu http://arunmvishnu.blogspot.com/
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