Mishi Choudhary wrote:
This line of thinking is errorneous when it comes to thinking about Free Software. Out of necessity each one of us is partly a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, or a software developer etc. The sum total of the knowledge that we have in those roles will dwarf any professional organisation and its output. The main problem with tapping such knowledge is transaction costs.
Let me give you an example. I have to do my taxes in a few months, and I am planning to do it on my own by reading the tax code. I am sure there are many more people doing the same. Now imagine that all the people who are doing this were to somehow able to put their knowledge in a very accessible way to everybody who wants it. That would pretty much be Free Accounting movement. In this instance none "of the accounting developers" need to be paid "monetarily for him or her to survive" because that is not their profession, however if some of them are adequately compensated by the public then they will make it their profession.
i wish to ask that who is this "we" whose paying the free software developers?
By we I meant the general public who consume free software.
This is not an issue because the expectation is that people will make a living by means other than proprietary software. Customization, selling services, or developing Free Software as a hobby, or because they want to make the product that they bought better etc..
I would recommend that you read FLOSS survey report http://www.infonomics.nl/FLOSS/report/ particularly free software developers motivations which can be found at http://www.infonomics.nl/FLOSS/report/Final4.htm
DEMOCRATIZING INNOVATION by Eric Von Hippel http://web.mit.edu/evhippel/www/democ.htm or atleast some of his papers at http://web.mit.edu/evhippel/www/papers.htm if you dont have the time to read the whole book.
It has been estimated thatsourceforge alone is equal to 1 Microsoft.
whats is sourceforge
Sourceforge is a place where Free Software projects are hosted. http://sourceforge.net/
in what terms and manner is it equivalent to one microsoft
By the estimated amount of man-years spent on development of code.
It is my pleasure to answer thoughtful questions like yours. Please ask anymore questions that you might have.
Warm Regards
Mishi Choudhary
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