hi all
From "Fast Track to Linux" published by DIGIT, section 1.2.1 (page 15)
A closely-related but not similar idea is that of free software. Free software means, well, that the software is available for free. It is already compiled and ready to use. Open source only means the source code is available to whoever wishes to build it and make fully-functional software. Free software need not be open source and similarly, open source software need not be free either. A free, but not open source, software can only be used, but cannot be modified-or for that matter dissected to see how it works. Open source software can also be a paid software, in which the source code is made available to the buyer. Open source and free software are closely related in the Linux world, but they are not the same. </quote>
and last paragraph on page 16 <quote> No discussion on open source or free software is complete without the mention of Ricahard Stallman, the founder of GNU project </quote>
Any known method of education to teach them ?
With regards M.Balakrishna Pillai
PS: I stopped reading it after that page.
Hi ,
Thnaks for making a point here. Nice to know about the level of understanding about OSS and GNU in DIGIT 's editorial board. :-))
Any known method of education to teach them ?
Unfortunately, NO. You know, if sombody is sleeping you can wake him up, but if sombody is acting, you can never.
PS: I stopped reading it after that page.
Best thing you can do with that crap. ;-)
On 4/14/06, Prabhat Sandheliya prabhat.news@gmail.com wrote:
I think we need to ensure that they are indeed pretending. If they have a page for reader's reactions, why not write to them? Ignorance about what is Free and what is Open Source is more widespread than we may imagine.
Best -- V. Sasi Kumar Free Software Foundation of India
On 4/14/06, Prabhat Sandheliya prabhat.news@gmail.com wrote:
Unfortunately, NO. You know, if sombody is sleeping you can wake him up, but if sombody is acting, you can never.
PS: I stopped reading it after that page. Best thing you can do with that crap. ;-)
Wrong! while it is easy to get frustrated with the way things work, it is wrong to let it be the way it is. We have to get them moving the right direction.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
-- Laxminarayan Kamath Ammembal laxminarayan@deeproot.co.in
On 4/14/06, M.Balakrishna Pillai mbpillai@asianetindia.com wrote:
I think someone first writes a template, or the main points and then a junior just fills in. Like the senior wrote "differences between free software and open source" because he knows the confusion between them will be problematic in the FOSS world. But the junior who doesnt know anything about FOSS just scribbles something up.
If this is the case, the junior and senior need to communicate more.
Any known method of education to teach them ?
Every member use the feedback page ( http://www.thinkdigit.com/feedback/ ) to impart true knowledge of FOSS to them, praying to God they will read it.
-- Laxminarayan Kamath Ammembal (+91) 9342287956 laxminarayan@deeproot.co.in www.geocities.com/kamathln
On 4/14/06, Laxminarayan Kamath kamathln@gmail.com wrote:
A copy of the comments i sent:
==================================== The definition of "Free software" given in ["Fast Track to Linux" section 1.2.1 (page 15)] is completely wrong. I am horrified to see Digit do such a fundamental mistake. For the real definition of "Free software", read http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html .
This mistake by a heavily read magazine can be a recipe for disaster for the "Free software" movement by misleading thousands of readers about "Free software".
Of course there is a difference between "Free software" and "Open Source Software" , that too is in a debatable state. But the difference given in the magazine is surely not it. Here, you can find the definition of Open source http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php
Do not get worried too much. You are not alone in the confusion. Thanks to the ambiguitic nature of English words.
And you *ought* to read this *carefully* : http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html ====================================
I know I should have written more, but I was afraid I will induce indigestion in his mind.
-- Laxminarayan Kamath Ammembal (+91) 9342287956 laxminarayan@deeproot.co.in www.geocities.com/kamathln
Any known method of education to teach them ?
Point then to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeware and http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/categories.html#freeware
===================================== To Reflect, to Inspire and to Empower http://www.employees.org/~krishnap/
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