[Misposted to fsf-friends, resending]
"Raj" == s raj <Raj> writes:
Raj> Hi, Today I received a mail from FSF India list about a new Raj> logo for FSF India. Curious to see how this fine logo was Raj> produced using free software i checked it up using pdfinfo, Raj> here is the result
Raj> [stuff about Adobe tools being used to produce pdf anf jpegs snipped]
Actually none of those documents has bee produced by FSF, India or other. They are all contributed by individuals, on the invitation of FSF-India to make appropriate posters, logos, etc. I guess you could carry advocacy/fanaticism to the point of not accepting any document (which includes pdfs and graphics) that has been produced using proprietary tools, but it'd be a bit extreme IMO.
Similarly, the Kandalaya logo was produced by a professional using Adobe Photoshop. I have no compunctions in putting it up on my web site, even though I myself wouldn't use Photoshop (and not just because I don't even know how to draw a circle in Gimp either!)
-- Raju
I think i dont have anything more to add to what Raju said here. (Also note that no one tried to hide the fact that they were made with non free tools)
Also some of them will be redone with the Free Software tools, by orginal designer or others. One reason behind doing this is we need to have the `source' in free formats so that people can modify it using Free Software tools like Sodipodi.
Some other mistakes were also pointed out, I think they were corrected already. Need to check. Also the pdfs and SVGs for the art work will be posted soon.
Arun M wrote:
(Also note that no one tried to hide the fact that they were made with non free tools)
Does this mean non free tools get the approval of FSF India?
Also some of them will be redone with the Free Software tools, by orginal designer or others.
I wonder what prevented FSF India from doing this to start with?
You can as well use the original sources for modfication. If it is ok to create using Adobe products, what is the problem with modification.
I think they were corrected already. Need to check.
It is still "Linux" as of 14:30, May 28.
Raj, Please go back and read Raju Mathur's mail again +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Actually none of those documents has bee produced by FSF, India or | |other. They are all contributed by individuals, on the invitation of| |FSF-India to make appropriate posters, logos, etc. I guess you could| |carry advocacy/fanaticism to the point of not accepting any document | |(which includes pdfs and graphics) that has been produced using | |proprietary tools, but it'd be a bit extreme IMO. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
They are individual contributors atleast willing to contribute in some way to the free software movement. Images made with proprietary tools must have got into www.gnu.org.in by mistake, mostly because the site administrators didn't have time to check with pdfinfo and similar tools. Those images will soon be replaced. Thanks for pointing them out.
I will very much appreciate if you take the responsibility to approve and certify images before they get uploaded to www.gnu.org.in. Are you willing to contribute? We also need help in graphics designing, if you good at GNU Gimp.
Thanks and Regards ab -- _.|_ (_||_) Free as in Freedom <www.gnu.org>
Raj s_raj@flashmail.com writes:
M.P.Anand Babu wrote:
Images made with proprietary tools must have got into www.gnu.org.in by mistake
This is perfectly understandable. Mistakes happen to every one. And once mistakes happens, they must be accepted and corrected, and that is the end of the story. At least I am happy that some one with a gnu.org.in address finds it to be a mistake and not to come out with statements like "Also note that no one tried to hide the fact that they were made with non free tools" as if they are proud of that fact.
I can certainly volenteer my time for it. Please contact me offline.
I dont consider this as a mistake. We never rejected a code because it was written in Windows or Mac. They were contribution to us and we accept(as long as what they created is free). At the same time we wont use use nonfree tools for our work and encourge others not to. As i told some have offered to make new versions based on free tools.
I dont have anything more to say on this. Lot of work going on.
regards, arun.