Hi guys,
I am sure you remember, the story I posted few days back, on the mailing list about Ankit Fadia, "Ankit Fadia : The real picture " . There is a new twist in the story. :-)
I sent this mail to various people, including one IT and Cyber Law expert, Deepti Chopra. She also felt that Mr Fadia is doing something fraud and misleading people. She talked to Certificate authority of India and questioned about the authenticity and credibility of the certificate. When I posted the original story to various people, I got many positive responses. I forwarded all those mails to Deepti and she passed them to the Certificate authority of India.
Now the twist in the story. :-)
Deepti just informed me that, she got positive reply from Certificate authority of India. They have issued a notice to Mr Fadia and CEO, Reliance Web World to stop the issuing certificates. Now we are also thinking about taking some legal action against Mr Fadia and Reliance Web World.
Cheers to our victory over unethical business practice and fraud. :-) Do send me your suggestions and views.
-- Prabhat Sandheliya --------------------------------------------------------------------- Promote Linux - Join mailing list : http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore (Linux Users Group - Indore)
I think u remember me ? I am happy to know that the real picture of Ankit is now out.But I think u have to forgive him by warning.Because he seems to be a child.
And he was the only person who fight with pakisthani hacker's by hacking there sites.Long before.
Salih pk
Prabhat Sandheliya prabhat.news@gmail.com wrote: Hi guys,
I am sure you remember, the story I posted few days back, on the mailing list about Ankit Fadia, "Ankit Fadia : The real picture " . There is a new twist in the story. :-)
I sent this mail to various people, including one IT and Cyber Law expert, Deepti Chopra. She also felt that Mr Fadia is doing something fraud and misleading people. She talked to Certificate authority of India and questioned about the authenticity and credibility of the certificate. When I posted the original story to various people, I got many positive responses. I forwarded all those mails to Deepti and she passed them to the Certificate authority of India.
Now the twist in the story. :-)
Deepti just informed me that, she got positive reply from Certificate authority of India. They have issued a notice to Mr Fadia and CEO, Reliance Web World to stop the issuing certificates. Now we are also thinking about taking some legal action against Mr Fadia and Reliance Web World.
Cheers to our victory over unethical business practice and fraud. :-) Do send me your suggestions and views.
-- Prabhat Sandheliya --------------------------------------------------------------------- Promote Linux - Join mailing list : http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore (Linux Users Group - Indore) _______________________________________________ Fsf-friends mailing list Fsf-friends@mm.gnu.org.in http://mm.gnu.org.in/mailman/listinfo/fsf-friends
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Hi Salih,
I think u remember me ?
Yea, I do. Nice to have your mail. :-)
I am happy to know that the real picture of Ankit is now out.But I think u
have to forgive him by warning.Because he seems to be a child.
Well, I don't know, if he will understand this. You know, there is saying, "If you forgive a less powerful fellow for his mistakes, that's good, but if you forgive a powerful and influential fellow, you are coward." And I am certainly not.
And he was the only person who fight with pakisthani hacker's by hacking
there sites.Long before.
Are you sure, he did it ? Where did you get this information ? Please send me the authentic links or visit mine here. http://www.zone-h.org/defaced/2002/04/26/bhelapp.bhelhyd.co.in/ http://www.hinduonnet.com/2002/04/30/stories/2002043002271300.htm http://zone-h.org/en/news/read/id=3861/
And tell me honestly, should he be forgiven, for creating hypes, misleading people, fraud certification ? Won't it encourage other people to follow his foot steps ? And won't it make media guys to verify facts before making a super hero out of nothing ?
You know, we Indians generally believe in "Chalta hai, yar" attitude. And this is very dangerous. Let's join hands to stop all nonsense.
Do reply back, please.
-- Prabhat Sandheliya --------------------------------------------------------------------- Promote Linux - Join mailing list : http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore (Linux Users Group - Indore)
Dear Prabhat
Great going!!!
Thanks a lot for taking such a good initiative.
On 4/23/06, Prabhat Sandheliya prabhat.news@gmail.com wrote:
-- my site:http://www.gnulinuxclub.org my blog:http://linux4all.blogspot.com my project:http://masand.sourceforge.net
Friends, Lets check Ankits site abt mobil;e hacking. http://www.hackingmobilephones.com/ankitfadia.htm
Salih pk
--------------------------------- Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.
"Salih" == salih pk salihpk@yahoo.com writes:
Salih> Friends, Lets check Ankits site abt mobil;e hacking. Salih> http://www.hackingmobilephones.com/ankitfadia.htm
I have an even better idea...
Let's just ignore this Fried Anda or whatever dude and get on with our lives. I for one am least interested in getting gory details of all the lamers in the world, what they do, who they certify, what they blog, what they say about Aishwarya's marriage and what Aishwarya says about them.
- -- Raju - -- Raj Mathur raju@kandalaya.org http://kandalaya.org/ GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5 0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F It is the mind that moves
Hi Raj,
Let's just ignore this Fried Anda or whatever dude and get on with our
Such a lovely reading. :-)
I do agree with you. Please visit here to know my views about this "Fried Anda" :-)) http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore/browse_thread/thread/83870080ae70b...
Do send your comments. Because, I read somewhere, "Remain silent about something wrong, is promoting it"
-- Prabhat Sandheliya --------------------------------------------------------------------- Promote Linux - Join mailing list : http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore (Linux Users Group - Indore)
"Prabhat" == Prabhat Sandheliya prabhat.news@gmail.com writes:
Prabhat> Hi Raj, Let's just ignore this Fried Anda or whatever Prabhat> dude and get on with our >> lives. I for one am least interested in getting gory details >> of all the lamers in the world, what they do, who they certify, >> what they blog, what they say about Aishwarya's marriage and >> what Aishwarya says about them.
Prabhat> Such a lovely reading. :-)
Prabhat> I do agree with you. Please visit here to know my views Prabhat> about this "Fried Anda" :-)) Prabhat> http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore/browse_thread/thread/83870080ae70b...
Prabhat> Do send your comments. Because, I read somewhere, "Remain Prabhat> silent about something wrong, is promoting it"
You're absolutely right.
Let's discuss the Sardar Sarovar Dam and Jessica's Lal's murder here too, while we're about it. How about Salman Khan's incarceration for shooting a black buck? Do you feel justice was served in that case? Hey, the wrong guy won Indian Idle too -- maybe we should organise mass meetings across the country to protest that!
I look forward to hearing the views of everyone on this list with respect to all the burning issues in India today.
With best regards,
-- Raju
Hi Raj,
Nice to know about your views.
Let's discuss the Sardar Sarovar Dam and Jessica's Lal's murder here
I look forward to hearing the views of everyone on this list with
respect to all the burning issues in India today.
Well, dear. I don't think this is the right place to discuss these topics here. This is FSF list and lets confine our discussions to IT, Linux and OSS here. But if you have something to say, please visit here ( http://groups.yahoo.com/group/India-Force/ ) . People will love to hear your views.
-- Prabhat Sandheliya --------------------------------------------------------------------- Promote Linux - Join mailing list : http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore (Linux Users Group - Indore)
Raju is right. We all know AF is a fraud. This is a fact and it has been established many times. Now what we can/should do to expose him is totally off-topic here. Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@gnu.org.in Free Software Foundation of India http://www.gnu.org.in/
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