Anyone wants this CD? We can arrange to distribute it via our low-cost CD store run by Aniket <aniket at>:
MORPHIX-GIS: This CD contains two GIS applications and other useful software that can be freely distributed. The CD is bootable. It contains a full networked operating system with applications. All applications can be used from the CD itself. You can also install it on your hard disk. the CD autoruns in MS Windows, showing a help file. This CD has been compiled with special emphasis to GIS packages. Two mature GIS applications (GRASS and SPRING), a map viewer (Thuban) and several other applications. The directory /usr/local/Gisdoc gives some tutorial files for the GIS applications. The directory /usr/local/Gisdata gives some example data files for Thuban.
For limited help with the CD, mail to: Dr C M Harish cmharic at or Dr V Sasi Kumar vsasi at
I am grateful to Dr Harish at Thiruvananthapuram for sending me a copy, gratis.