Hai All,
Free as in freedom is a good idea. We can use freedom instead of the cunning word "free". But one thing is important. We will accept all free software movments as a freedom mind and prevent all things that against the freedom s/w with no excuse.
----- Original Message ----- From: Krishna Pagadala krishnaact@yahoo.com Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 21:46:44 -0800 (PST) To: fsf-friends@mm.gnu.org.in Subject: [Fsf-friends] Free(dom) Software?
Manoj posts:
We can use freedom instead of the cunning word "free"
Well, free is not a cunning word. In fact, we get a chance to tell about the GNU Project and the ethical imperative of sharing. We are able to tell that it is about freedom and not cost.
Free is the right word and it is interesting to read Ramanraj's chaste articulations. Freedom is a dangerous thing in the hands of a `bully' and your freedom becomes a `bad thing' if it does not end at the tip of my nose. Our software freedom can be defended only by Free software, freedom which cannot be defended is no freedom!