On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 Ajith Kumar wrote :
Hello all,
here is a small program that will help those who want to do Turbo-C style graphics under X-window .
There are some people who require some minimal amount of graphics and managing it using Turbo-C under DOS platform. Here is a program that can help you compiling and running those programs with minor modifications. Turbo-C graphics functions are emulated in a crude manner using X-lib calls. A program draw.c to draw a rectangle is shown below
#include "xwin.c"
void mycode() { rectangle(100,100,200,200); }
int main() { makeWindow (600, 500); / creates a window to draw return 0; }
You just needs to include the file xwin.c, that is provided. Write all your code inside a function named 'mycode' . Compile it using the command
gcc -o draw -I/usr/include/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXaw3d -lXt -lX11 draw.c
Attaching draw.c, demo.c and a Makefile. Your feedback would be nice.