Dear Friends,
Bangalore now has a Free Software User's Group (FSUG)!
Starting off from the 'GNUs Grazing' initiative by Rakesh Ambati we have met up twice already. During Arun's trip to Bangalore earlier this month, we were able to press out a firm agenda for Free Software related activities in Bangalore.
Broadly speaking, FSUG (Bangalore) works towards two broad areas:
o Free Software advocacy, lobbying and awareness in Bangalore o Technical help for Free Software and GNU/Linux
The minutes of previous two meetings are available in the list archives (not yet web-viewable) and will be put up on a web-site by tomorrow. (Or I could post them here to the fsf-friends list if that's more convenient!)
FSUG (Bangalore) discussions happen on the fsub-bangalore mailing list. To know more about what's happenning, who's involved and how to get involved, please subscribe to the mailing list by sending an email to . A lot of activities are planned for the next few weeks - please do participate and give you comments and feedback.
Regards, Abhas.
The UGC Academic Staff College under the University of Kerala has included training in Free Software as a part of their courses in IT. The first such class including practicals is to be held tomorrow and the day after (May 25 and 26, 2003). Lectures on Free Software have been conducted for some time now. We thank Dr. B. Ekbal, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Kerala, for his initiative in this matter, and Dr. John Jacob Kattakkayam, Director, UGCASC, for agreeing to include FS in their training.
On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 09:09, Abhas Abhinav wrote:
involved, please subscribe to the mailing list by sending an email to . A lot of activities are
My apologies for the small typing mistake here. The subscription address should've read:
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Cheers, Abhas.