Well since everyone is celebrating the anniversary of the fsf-india, why dont I too celebrate the Occassion. But Whats there to celebrate about the formation of a non profit organization working in India that doesnt even know what its purpose is ?
I am refering to the official website of fsf-india. Is the fsf-india trying to hide the identity of what the Free Software Foundation began by Stallman was trying to do. The site mentions about advocating, promoting and propagating the use and development of swatantra software in India but nothing is told about the GNU Operating System and the GNU Project. Is that all what fsf-india is about, to promote and propagate. While the fsf.org has a mission to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users, the fsf.org.in only speaks of, is only a commitment. Then how come fsf-india has descided to help the sarovar in play-fair issue.
There is a poor attempt from the site to promote Free Software and what freedom is all about. The site must either post more pages about GNU System and give more direct links to other places where users could get more information about what fsf-india is all about.
The fsf-india is an emmissary of fsf. Then how come fsf shows itself as an indipendant organization adopting a different logo for its activities. The fsf-india didnt even bother to put up a GNU Head, the official logo of the Free Software Foundation anywhere on its site. It would have been better if the GNU Head was kept alog side the chakra.
Its been three years and it seems that the fsf-india site is managed by a person who is illiterate about what freedom and free software foundation means. Is the fsf-india maintained by some site maintaining private company? Very poor image.
On Sun, 2004-06-20 at 14:08, Anwar wrote:
Not at all clear what you are saying. the site very clearly presents links which write about the objectives on the very first page. Any specific suggestions, please send them to webmaster.
How did you miss all the links about the GNU project, right on the first page? Are you suggesting that we repeat exactly what gnu.org website says.
This is because most people who are working are not sending articles, news feeds to the web master. Web master alone cannot create content, the volunteers of FSF India should send content which the web master will display and manage. your accusation shouldn't be to the web master but to all of us.
What we need to do is to translate gnu.org in Indian languages and post that content on the website. We intive volunteers to send us translations to the gnu.org pages in any Indian language. We recently received a help to do translation in Kannada. When those pages arrive we will update the site.
Then how come fsf-india has descided to help the sarovar in play-fair issue.
FSF India would help any organization that stands to fight for software freedom. Sarovar withdrew the fight, so we found out others who began fighting and supporting play-fair which is now hymn project, and FSF India will continue to support them in whichever way it can.
True, whenever you think a link should appear please post it to the webmaster. You are free to make suggestions/criticism and a link to that effect appears on the site if the suggestion was appropriate.
idea is good, we can do this.
We are not boasting of our performance, and the annual celebration is to remind ourselves and get together to get charged up. Let us join hands to improve the image! Your GNUhead suggestion is a good one, likewise send a few more to make the site look better, and most important do somethng in your area to support the freedom and do send the news feeds to the website so that they appear on the website.
The Memorandum of Association has been published at http://www.gnu.org.in/memorandum.html, which includes a listing of the purposes of FSF-India in clear terms. Please read through the contents available at the site, before posting remarks about the site or the web master, who is also a volunteer.
The benefits of using free software are plain and obvious.
Hand holding is alright, but expecting spoon feeding is shameless.
Anwar said on Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 04:38:02PM +0800,:
adopting a different logo for its activities.
I was a decision by people associated with the FSF-I at the time it was made.
Its been three years and it seems that the fsf-india site
3 years since what?
If you have a problem, _volunteer_ to help. FSF-I and the free software movement is in eternal need of volunteers.