The new amendment (1999) brought forth a few changes in the fair use provision pertaining to computer software. It added three new provisions in the Act in Section 52(1) (aa). The new provisions read: "(ab) the doing of any act necessary to obtain information essential for operating interoperability of an independently created computer program with other programs by a lawful possessor of a computer program provided that such information is not otherwise readily available; (ac) the observation, study or test of functioning of the computer program in order to determine the ideas and principles which underline any elements of the program while performing such acts necessary for the functions for which the computer program was supplied; (ad) the making of copies or adaptation of the computer program from a legally obtained copy for non-commercial personal use
I have doubt with (ac). If I buy a software with the license prohibiting me from reverse engineering it. Decomposing it will become copyright infringement ?
Any help with the point (ac) will be great. -- Thanks, Thejesh GN