You have wrote,
OSS is considered with moral and ethical issues raised by GPL. OSS is really sharing its sotfware with the community who reqiure it. We realised its advantage. If our customer could not be able to make head or tail out of the source code, they defenitely will approach the nearest approachable software worker. If our project is funded by a social body, we could have share it with community for free of cost. Since it did not happen, we have to share it with community for a price.
OSS do not think that our market will be affected by spreading of source code. But our policy is that development of a sotware solution is achieved through manpower and infrastructure utilisation. Our members are not like Sunday Congress members. (During the earlier stage of freedom struggle bureaucratic members of Indian National Congress meet only on Sundays, Other days they used to work for British rule and they used to blame regular congress members). As we are full time activists of GPL'ed software. we have to sell and service on solutions developed by us.
If the price offered by OSS is unaffordable, they can approach our customer. Same was the advise we have given to Nest when they approached us. Now for Mayyanad Service Co-op bank Nest has given the same quotation as ours. They might have received it from some of our customer. OSS is not at all bothered of re-distributing the product by its customer under GPL. But as a society we cannot provide our product free of cost. Our policy is distribute it under GPL for a price.
Here is the lists of customers of ShanghaMithra for convenience interested parties. --P&T Employees Credit Society, Ernakulam --Central Excise Employees Credit Co-operative Society, --Malayidamthuruthu Service co-operative bank, Ernakulam --P&T Employees Credit Society, Palakkad --Parakkadavu Service Co-Operative Bank, Ernakulam --Mattanchery Mahajanik Co-operative Urban Bank, Ernakulam --Government Employees Co-operative society, Kollam --Pothukal Service Co-operative Bank Ltd., Malappuram --P&T Employees Credit Society, Thrissoor --P&T Employees Credit Society, Aalapuzha --Pattitthara Service Co-operative Bank Ltd., Malappuram
I think there is no one-to-one correlation between software and non-environmental friendly projects. So there is no comparison between them. Cost-effectiveness is essentially a prime requirement for a financially backward community. But Cost-effectiveness claimed for a non-environmental friendly projects are pseudo claim. If we are taken into consideration of environmental costs it is hardly affordable.
You may please list all the cost implications those are to be taken into consideration when a software is distributed under GPL but not strictly following your version of ethics of so called free software.
This is a very confusing argument. Under GPL , is it practical to charge for each copy ? You are more or less like RedHat if I understand correctly. I feel your strength should be your ability to support your software better than anybody else so that customers come to you and pay for it. Otherwise, if someboy want to make easy money by selling your software, under GPL you cannot prevent it. Those who want to do that will manage a copy somehow and does not require the code on Internet. Don't you think it is better to follow the tested strategy of RedHat. They do not make much money on selling , but on services (as far as i know)
I hope whatever happening is making more people aware of this software.
I think above two para gives an idea of OSS's stand.
I started this thread with the statement that primary issue is not whether OSS is giving code or not.OSS is not doing anything against the rules of GNU GPL. But remember its more than a license. The stand of OSS is misinforming the people. They never talk of the ethical reason behind Free Software. For OSS its just a cost effective solution and Free Software provides a better business avenue.
I agree with Dileep that custom software need not be under Free Software license. May be OSS's work is of that kind. This thread wouldnt have come up in the first place if OSS said their software is specific purpose and is proprietary. But issue is OSS is saying they distribute software under GNU GPL. I told OSS people that i can provide space to host their work and interested in promoting them. But the OSS group itself is confused. When i say this some say code is under GPL and i can get, some asks how will i live, some time the argument is if the work was socially funded then they could have released their work. This shows the lack of understanding of the spirit of Free Software.
Feeling i get from OSS's stand is. They want to leverage the popularity and financial benefits of Free Software. At the same time not interested in sharing the code in the spirit of Free Software. Here Freedom is restricted not through license but through practice. It will be right to say OSS is misusing GNU GPL.
Even when i put forward my strong objections to OSS, I admire the enthusiasm and commitment of OSS team. But they misinform people and that is our concern. I still hope OSS will change its stand in the spirit of the community.
Regards, Arun.
BTW, I think EIID was a socially funded project(by the District Panchayath). As i said code is yet to see light of Freedom :(
On Tuesday 21 Jan 2003 9:50 pm, you wrote:
OSS did not misinform any body. Our stand is well informed. We act for ethical reason behind GPL. I did not get what Arun exactly meant by 'better business avenue', If he meant for its conventional meaning, In our social situation proprietary is more profitable, which is not the business avenue of OSS.
I think Arun will take time to realise about OSS, for which he has to get rid of his narrow minded approach in accepting others activity.
May be Arun's version of GPL. I am still sure that he could not get what OSS policy and practice is.
Commitment and opprtunism will not co-exists, so one of his stand regarding OSS should be wrong.
As I have mention OSS policy and practice through my mail in this thread, I think most of you, whoever has followed it with a clear thought, might have realised it. You may or may not agree with it.
With this I stop discussion regarding OSS in this thread.
BTW, I think EIID was a socially funded project(by the District Panchayath). As i said code is yet to see light of Freedom.
Anybody can get it from Kunnanthunadu Panchayath or Chottanikkara Panchayath vikasana samithy without any payment. (Since EIID office is now permenantly closed you maynot get it from EIID office)
One more think I would like to mention here is that eventhough EIID was a socially funded project, Software developmentof Local Resource Database preparation was not fully funded by District Panchayath. As per its project proposal renmaining fund shold have been come from state goverment. This has been obstructed by IKM. So, in fact last few months of this project we have been working on voluntary basis.
Now let us have fresh discussion regarding IT policy
Anil, ATPS
Though OSS requested to close this thread please pardon me for continuing. I feel we should not enlarge the scope of licenses into hyopthetical plane and calls like misuse of GPL etc. are unwarranted. I think FSF-I is just discouraging people from entering into Free software arena by enlarging the scope of licensing. We need not give sermon to every customer about. The activites of preaching and practicing need not be done by all. If somebody doesn't do preaching but does practice why find fault and discourage them. If we continue to discourage we will have only preachers and no followers.
--- PostgreSQL Server wrote: > On Tuesday 21 Jan 2003 9:50 pm, you wrote:
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Raman.P wrote on Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 09:39:55AM +0000:
,---- | I think FSF-I is just discouraging people from entering into Free | software arena by enlarging the scope of licensing. `----
it is not discouragement as I see it. its just a clash of thoughts that has been happening. licensing is an important issue and needs to be debated about.
,---- | If somebody doesn't do preaching but does practice why find fault and | discourage them. If we continue to discourage we will have only | preachers and no followers. `----
right. I'm not very clear about the arguments that have been going on here because I started watching this thread in the middle and Ragu's post about OSS kerala != Open Source Software makes it clear that OSS kerala guys aren't open source by any chance except for a coincidence of their name.
On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 13:27, PostgreSQL Server wrote:
GPL'd or not, unwilling to share (even on request) tantamounts to something similar to the attitude of proprietary business interest groups. OSS should not forget they have built it up on a foundation created by people who were prepared to SHARE (OSS is however free to do business using these resources, but then why use this FSF public forum for their publicity?). Let us not make this a forum for such unnecessary debate and waste of valuable time and resources - LET US MAKE THIS A PLACE FOR SHARING - and knowledge grows.....