Dear friends, is a non-profit, volunteer driven organization dedicated to the propagation and usage of Gnu/Linux and Free Software. The organization tries to provide support to the Gnu/Linux community as well as to increase the usage of Gnu/Linux among the general computer users community
After receiving comments from your side and from RMS ,we realized that we were creating a mistake when we talk about Gnu/Linux and leave out free software from it.
Our website aims to help out all Gnu/Linux users technically but we also want to make them aware of Gnu/Linux and free software. For the same we have made some changes to our website and since it under development so we could afford to make the required changes.
the slogan of our website has been changed to "its all about freedom" with reference to
We have introduced a new section for free software where we aim to answer the basic questions regarding free software
We have mentioned about Gnu/Linux in our "why gnulinux" section
We have mentioned it quite clearly in our "Gnu/Linux distros" section regarding Free Gnu/Linux and non-Free Gnu/Linux distros Here, we require your help We can find a list of Free Gnu/Linux distros but what about non-free Gnu/Linux distros can we just say that since slackware 10.1 contains a package "xv" which is not free so Slackware in non-free Gnu/Linux distro
what more additions do you suggest?
regards gaurav masand