I think the dangers of such proprietary technologies creeping into the curriculum are much beyond that what we usually imagine. For instance, see this feature of Micro$oft.
"...Project Shiksha Highlights
Microsoft in partnership with State Governments to deliver comprehensive, leading K-12 IT curriculum as prescribed by the standards bodies
Student scholarships to recognize India’s top students who drive innovation through technology
A teacher scholarship program to recognize and reward India’s leading teachers committed to delivering world-class education
An online community for teacher collaborations, best practice sharing and honing of skill sets..." (full story at
http://www.microsoft.com/india/education/pil/shiksha/ ).
Read our Chief Ministers details on amending Curriculum on an annual basis (after he visited Technopark, TVM in Nov 2004), and the seriousness would increase. (A response to that story is at
http://www.indiavarta.com/Opinions/index.asp?Category=opinion&mesgId=327... )
CK Raju
LinuxTimes.Net --> Open Source to everyone.