Hai friends, During the last week of Dec '02 there was a 'Kerala Sangamam' organized by Kerala chapter of 'World Social Forum' . The main agenda was to create a common platform for the efforts of various groups who works for alternative Keralam, and make them work together for common cause.
Ther was very active discussion on Software under GPL and on Modernisation of Goverment Program (MGP) using IT. The meet has come to a conclusion that current IT policy and MGP are not on the correct track. It is also decided to conduct a workshop at Kochi during March '03, on MGP for Keralam and IT policy for Keralam. The targeted output of the workshop is an alternative MGP programm and Alternative IT policy for Keralam.
ATPS (Appropriate Technology Promotion Society - Kochi) is entrusted to organise the workshop. The ATPS is trying for maximum participation in the work shop. Prior to this a discussion on this subject can be started on this subject. Here I submit a draft document prepared by me for initiating a discussion on IT policy for Keralam.
Anil-Kanhangad ATPS
DISCUSSION PAPER -------------------------------- History of Science & Technology ----------------------------------------------- Almost all technical advances are response to social, economic demands made entirely in earlier times and some times even now by the craftsmen, themselves working over and improving their traditional skills. Science is a later event, which emerges in recognizable form from common social tradition on crafts, only with the beginning of civilisation. These separate streams of technology and science were run apart from each other in earlier age. The conditions of earlier civilisation led to a division of classes, which put scientists in a privileged class while manual craftsmen were only a grade above slaves. This division and its impact on all walks of life condemned science to sterility and techniques to frequent stagnation, while radical advances came only rarely. These occasional advances partially broke down and there was gradual growth in mutual stimulation of scientist and craftsmen. The recent scientific technical transformation by which modern Information Technology has been evolved is results of such a fusion of Science and Technology.
Information Technology Revolution -------------------------------------------------- The Information Technology revolution, as any other historical creative process appear as a consequence of great social, economic and political movements. The period of technical scientific advance which gave birth to modern Information Technology is in full swing for above fifty years. Ignoring these historical facts, Information Technology, which is a collection of techniques for gathering, storing and processing of data and its dissemination as information, which is as old as society itself, is being presented as a new discovery by its new pseudo care-takers. By this continuous and vigorous campaign, Information Technology often termed as mere software and computer hardware technology. These new imposed definition has led Information Technology as facilitation for a group of elite classes, which in turn leads for a so called digital divide in the society where people is divided as information rich and information poor.
Information Technology and society ---------------------------------------------------- The relation of IT and society are fully reciprocal, just as transformation are produced inside IT by social events, so have social transformation been brought about through the use of IT. These direct or indirect effects operating on the material frame work of society and on the idea by which it is sustained. The easily seen direct changes are taken to be the main result of IT by most people. But indirect effects are for more important. Though initial growth of IT was a product of economic and political factors, once it is established as means of securing economic and political power, its very existence become a factor in social life. So it is very much essential to study the total impact of IT, on society whether it is manifold, direct or indirect .
Judging from the appropriate flexibility of IT as any other technological tool, it can be stated as neutral and it is the purpose for which it is used, is making the difference. Following are the major economic and political compulsion behind the rapid growth of modern Information Technology.
--Processing large volume of Information generated within a short time of war related operation for strategic advantage of nations and for extending the control of state over its citizen. --The Information processing needed to monitor and control production cost and setting of large surplus of capitalist production in a dispersed market.
IT for Sustainable Development ---------------------------------------------- Bright futures that IT brings to human kind have been described by many of its conventional promoters. They name it Information Society where information and scientific knowledge replaces human labour as main productive force.
These future is not going to be that bright or may be even disastrous until and unless the big mass, to whom it ultimately affects, whose jobs will be ultimately replaced, has effectively intervened in the process of making information society with a definite intention of bringing a sustainable development where all sorts of inequalities are narrowed down.
But, the current growth of Information Technology is a typical example of cart before bull. New innovations rarely match the sustainable development needs and always focus on elite sections. New IT innovations are the result of a fierce war for larger market share by a few trans-national companies. Major impact of this phenomenon are --It effectively hegemonies technology by providing earlier access to new technology only to interested parties. --It limits the production and availability at low technological, low cost options, preferably most profitable one.
Appropriate IT Solution --------------------------------- For financially starved but intellectual rich country like India emergence of IT revolution is taken as good news. But harnessing the full potential of IT requires an aggressive and visionary policy frame work and creative planning and wider participation of its people at large. The current white collar jobs which fills the gap of conventional inefficient information system will be made void by extensive use of IT. However with a vibrant vision and action plan the human power can be diverted to the more productive zones where they can contribute more effectively which are newly created with the advent IT. If the peoples participation in implementation of IT is not ensured, the complete benefits will be taken away by section of the society with vested interest.
Now, global market for IT is predominantly western. A less developed economy trying to penetrate in the world market of information technology can thus be effectively contained by the market leaders. The strict intellectual property rights law in some developed countries are already threatening the new innovation in IT sector. Unless one can design an IT solution truly needed for the social and cultural milieu, it may be impossible to develop systems that satisfy the sustainable development needs. It is therefor very much essential to develop our own methodology and techniques in providing IT solution for social needs.
Compared to other activities of IT software, hardware and infrastructure cost seems to be at higher level, while its local expertise remains low. However, cost effective solutions such as localy assembled hardware and relatively higher bandwidth of Wireless Local Loop (WILL) which exactly match the rural network need can be considered.
In case of software there is a global movement for cost-effective solutions, popularly known as 'free software' which are distributed under General Public License (GPL). With the use of these software local software expertise will increase and cost of software development will be fully distributed for local employment generation. Closed approach of patented software ultimately cause degradation of our existing software expertise. While use of patented software will take away a huge ammount as software cost and license fees by trans-national companies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepared by Anil-Kanhangad K V for ATPS
I would like to thank Anil for bringing some good news to Free Software community. But going through the draft discussion paper I am not sure that it is in the right track.
As a person who is closely working with the Free Software Movement for quite some time I've observed the changing views relating to Free Software. Several opponents became friends of Free Software. And newer interests started coming in. Also various interest groups started redefining Free Software as they wish, to satisfy their needs.
<split> In case of software there is a global movement for cost-effective solutions, popularly known as 'free software' which are distributed under General Public License (GPL). With the use of these software local software expertise will increase and cost of software development will be fully distributed for local employment generation. Closed approach of patented software ultimately cause degradation of our existing software expertise. While use of patented software will take away a huge ammount as software cost and license fees by trans-national companies. </split>
Free Software was never a movement for cost effective solutions. As all of us know Free Software Movement started because some people thought Software (and knowledge in general) should be freely available to the society. They cared about the community. Today we have several thousand Free Software because of their vision and the fight they did.
It is true that Free Software provides for 'cost effective solutions'. But it is not just about 'cost effective' solutions. Cost effectiveness came as an effect of Freedom Free Software provides. If we are concerned about cost alone and forget the social and ethical reasons of why Free Software I am sure we are going to fail in long run. We must remember these when we make the policies for govt etc.
I've high regards for active and committed team behind ATP and related organisations(OSS,EIID etc), and that is my fear too. Way back in 2000 they showed how we can use Free Software for local body computerisation programs. May be first of its kind in the country. Yet another Kerala Model. EIID was name of the project and in my understanding project was supported by the District Panchayath. Due to lack of clear policy decisions project didnt reach completion. The policy of OSS during that time was against the use of term Free Software in the beginning. I am glad that OSS has changed that stand and started saying Free Software (I feel term Open Source is not that popular in Kerala now). Coming to the issue at hand lets look at what happened to EIID project code. It is yet to see the light of Freedom. Gone with the project !! (Eazel is gone, Nautilus still lives).
OSS is saying it is distributing Free Software under GNU GPL. But was not made available to community at large. OSS releases code or not is secondary issue now. Choosing Free Software license or not, is their choice. But I am sad to say OSS taking an opportunistic position, talking of Freedom when it helps and ignoring other wise (I sincerely likes to see my statement wrong).
I dont want to hurt any one with these comments. But I am forced to make public statements because even after asking repeatedly i've not received any clear statement from OSS regarding policy and practice. I hope OSS will take a clear stand based on Free Software ethics. Let us show that Alternate World is possible by our deeds.
So discussion on IT or Software policies should ask several question.
- What is a Software (not technically)? - Is software patents and 'closing' the source only issues ? - What is the stand on 'cost effective' proprietary software ? - Do we have responsibility to global community ? - Transnational Proprietary companies are bad local ones are ok ?
(And several other questions relating to social implications of IT)
Hello Anil,
On Sun, 2003-01-19 at 14:36, Arun M wrote:
Couple of weeks ago, OSS announced that the product "Sanghamitra" a banking solution for Co-operative banks, are released under GPL and is growing at the rate of 2-3 installations per month. Can anyone who uses this package then tell us what licensing terms are there ??.
If such local products are available under GPL, then we should highlight these achievements and give due recognition and importance to popularise such product. Then there is hope for alternative Keralam.
Arun's mail raises two different types of issues
1. His concern about me or organisations represented by me. 2. His concern regarding the matter to be discussed while formulating IT policy for Keralam.
His concerns and comment about the OSS is baseless. Representatives of OSS already had discussed these issues with him. His pre-judicious approach has forced him to be suspecious on OSS. So here, with permission of all of you, I would like to use this platform to make it clear what OSS is and what are its activities and our understanding of backgrounds that made Arun pre-judicious on us.
Regarding the term 'Free Software', due to some specific reason we have not used it. Now also we are not convinced with that term. The practical meaning of the term 'Free' is dfferent in Richard Stallman's millieu and our surroundings. We agree with the term 'Swathanthra' which is mentioned in fsf-india's website. But now we have also forced to use the term 'Free Software' because the practical meaning of 'Free' is changed atleast when it is associated with software in our surroundings also . (May be due to recent upsurge of discussion on this subject). This is how the terminology and thus the language takes its shape. This does not mean that we have any attachment to the terms like 'Free Software' or 'Open Software'. We think 'Software under GPL' is more conveying than these terms.
We are distributing all software developed by OSS, under GPL since the formation of OSS (ie in early 2000). It is accroding to the statements in the OSS's bylaw. Its Arun's duty to prove his statment that OSS is taking opportunistic stand. Arun, you may recall the discussion between us at Bose Bhavan, Ernakulam, when I have clarified all these things to you. Let me make it clear that, It is not our duty to hand over the software to Arun. GPL does not mention that software should be given to a particular person or Institution. We are distributing our package along with service for a price. The customer gets its source code, they can modify it and they can re-distribute it under GPL.
OSS (full name Open Software Solutions Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. Chottanikkara) is an Industrial Co-operative Society which is a good example for social entreprenuership in the field of Information Technology. The Society is having around 40 members among them one is honourary member. All the regular members, who were now associating with OSS is fully depended on OSS. They have no other income. The honourary member does not accept any payment from OSS. So it is the responsibility of OSS to provide income to its member. So we provide software solution for local needs for a price. Arun need not have any worry on it. It is totaly dfferent from a transnational or local proprietary company.
In fact OSS was formed with a defenit purpose of forcing the developers of EIID projects under GPL regime. If Arun or anybody else is much interested, we can provide full history of EIID, ATPS, OSS and SEPSIT and what they are meant for. Our main concern is not software, we are more concerned about local empowerment.
Now let us come to the real issues raised in his mail
Since our aim is to formulate an IT policy It is better to start with what is IT , What is policy and how it is socialy relevant and how it can be used in governance. Software comes later.
I thing softare part of our discussion will be focused on GPL'd software. Cost effectiveness is also a important matter of concern
Surely, we have. But more priority for resposibility towards local community.
Both are danger. The bigger one should be eliminated first.
I think instead of these type of question and answers, Let us come out with our ideas, views, concern etc. I think we can start with Why an IT policy is required ? , Why there should be an alternative one ?. What is its social relevence etc.
Even if my discussion paper is not on the right track. We can jointly think to put it on right place.
Anil Kanhangad, ATPS
MGP in their latest policy recommendations have included a pilot project of computerising a local body using free software.
My worry is that if the policy directive, now, gets to qualify with recommendations from IKM (as the technical body of Local Self Government Department), there can't be any hope, as there is already a Government Order that came through IKM, allowing a pilot project on Free Software, back as Dec 2001, but where clauses forcefully inserted by IKM made the work impossible.
CK Raju
We need not worry about IKM. All of our activities may be uprooted. Since our vision is clear we will go on with efforts till it blossoms.
Good. I didn't want Anil to lose hope if 'MGP thing' failed to take off or getting satisfied after seeing MGP insert a clause.
What is quite perplexing is the latest (tougher) stand by IT Minister that he would ensure that IPR are protected with 'more will power'. (This was in his interview to school children, that appeared in Asianet Global on Friday evening hrs.)
This is where the role of 'bureaucracy' comes into play. Into believing and propagating 'its' views to the political leaders, in much similar a way 'fundamentalism' operates. Efforts such as these would only help to fan violent extremism and create counter fundamentalist organisations (even the CIA now toes this line of thinking).
Philosophers like Max Weber, who had cast serious aspersions on the emerging clout of 'bureaucracy' and its rationalism, long back, are proving to be right in their persuasions, if one analyses the current crisis. It appears that 'bureaucracy' has already declared war on its citizens and the political systems. The political systems are most likely to become the first victims, who would now have to defend the interests of this 'fundamentalist bureaucracy'. These corrupt [thinking] bureaucratic elements are sure to palm off responsibility saying that these were 'government decisions' where 'they' had no role!. The 'bureaucracy' might even conveniently pass on the 'charge of corruptness' to a particular political setup, an argument that our public would accept, given the strong political polarisation we have.
The only way out here appears to an all-out effort to strengthen the political setup, into making them believe that what is right for the poorest sections of society would be (naturally) right for the government. Mahatma Gandhi should have foreseen it, while asking the leaders to recall the 'face of the poorest man', before taking crucial decisions. The bureaucracy might have buried Mahatma long back, but we need to prevent them from burying his views.
FSF-India should have a long and arduous task ahead, given the quality of 'bureaucracy' that we are blessed with.
CK Raju
PS : 'Bureau' means 'desk' ('demo' means 'people') and 'cracy' means 'rule'. Bureaucracy hence is 'rule of the desk'. (Correct me if I am wrong)