Vista DRM Cracked on Launch Day
A ReactOS developer and first year student of bachelor's degree in software engineering Alex Ionescu [1] from Canada has blogged about a way to bypass the PMP (Protected Media Path), a DRM technique used in Windows Vista. Read the blog here [2]
[1] [2]
Cheers Praveen
On Wednesday 31 January 2007 10:38, പ്രവീണ്|Praveen എ|A wrote:
I'm not convinced that putting Winduhs down is the right way to go about promoting freedom and/or free software. What does the list think?
Instead of harping on Winduhs' weaknesses, maybe we should be talking about how it takes freedom away and entraps users. I don't know if this ha already been posted to this list, but the definitive analysis of Fistula's various DRM capabilities and their impact on the end user is available at:
- -- Raju - -- Raj Mathur GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5 0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F It is the mind that moves
On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 12:13 +0530, Raj Mathur wrote:
While we need to stress on freedom, it may sometimes become necessary to tell users of M$ Windows about the problems with their system too. In that sense, it may be useful to know about the strengths and weaknesses (or features) of other non-free OSes. In that sense, it may be useful to know such things. The link you have sent is also very useful.