On 6/12/07, Dave Crossland dave@lab6.com wrote:
On 12/06/07, Sandip Bhattacharya sandip@lug-delhi.org wrote:
But I would like to ask if broadcasts made by a public broadcaster can be shared for non-commercial public sharing.
ah there's an interesting twist to this debate. suppose as an end-user publishes a video from a commercial tv broadcaster on say, youtube, for explicitly non-commercial end-use, and to share with others. this is quite similar to the 'fair use' terms often sited by wikipedia.
the twist: youtube makes money from google ads and other means. so there is commercialization and monetizing happening.
i have no clue how this is legally evaluated, but youtube tends to attract legal eyes rather frequently.
i don't know about you, but i quite enjoy internet radio, using amarok. over 4,000 channels to choose from, in every genre...! i get 24x7 of ad-free radio, at near CD quality, from artists & groups, or even from genres not even broadcast in india.
alas! a recent ruling says that web-casting music like this would attract broadcasting license to be paid by the net radio stations. suddenly internet radio is no longer free-of-cost to end-users and several stations may have to shut down....
fair is foul... hover through the air...
:-) niyam
Linux Lingam wrote:>
ah there's an interesting twist to this debate. suppose as an end-user publishes a video from a commercial tv broadcaster on say, youtube, for explicitly non-commercial end-use, and to share with others. this is quite similar to the 'fair use' terms often sited by wikipedia.
I believe fair use is only about 10 seconds of copyrighted multimedia and that also when the intention is just to show an excerpt related to a larger content. Putting a whole program would probably be an offense even from a layman's POV.
- Sandip