for invitees. If you're interested, get in touch with Shruti and check the possibility of participating. FN
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Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that after the successful First Working Group Consultation on the Use of ICTs for Development in Bangalore, we are now organizing the SECOND WORKING GROUP CONSULTATION in NEW DELHI on the 27-28 MAY, 2003.
The Delhi meeting will carry forward the agenda set in Bangalore, and focus on the theme of FREE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE; AND THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN WIDENING THE DEBATE ON DEVELOPMENT.
Our lead project partner is the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. The Delhi meeting is being organised in co-operation with the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi.
We hope that you will participate in the Delhi meeting and make it as fruitful and productive as the Bangalore Consultation.
This is just an advance intimation for you to block your dates for the Consultation. We will soon be sending you the detailed agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all in Delhi.
Warm regards,
Shruti Gupta Junior co-ordinator Project on ICTs for Development