I am prasad new to linux.I have following questions.
1.Can we create linux static kernel functions?if yes please let me know that
2.Can we call system call in kernel space?
3.can we call system calls or kernel function in user space?
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Today's Topics:
- Re: Comrades? new-found love with IT ( ????????? ??????? )
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 10:23:15 +0530
From: " ????????? ??????? " keraleean@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Fsf-friends] Comrades? new-found love with IT
To: fsf-friends@mm.gnu.org.in
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Why do you miss the most possible scenario.
Why Free Software Movements (FSM) shows interest in software freedom? The
same may be the reason for progressive political forces too.
Is there any rule that only FSMs will have good intention with their
activities on software freedom ? As software freedom is part of larger
freedom that will lead to social empowerment and further to achieve social
and economic equality, collective decision-making, and public control of
productive capital and natural resources. Hence it is natural that
progressive political parties are more concerned with software freedom than
anyone of the FSM.
We may better realize it and co-operate with them for the same rather than
going for baseless allegation against them.