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This is something I came across recently which I thought was useful for the open source community. It provides a good case for applying Linux and other open source software in business applications building on a military business case. Fred, maybe you can take the trouble to forward it to the Linux/open source oriented mailing lists.
- Ashish ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- A Business Case Study of Open Source Software Carolyn A. Kenwood, The MITRE Corporation
ABSTRACT This paper was prepared as part of The MITRE Corporation�s FY00 Mission-Oriented Investigation and Experimentation (MOIE) research project "Open Source Software in Military Systems.. This paper analyzes the business case of open source software. It is intended to help Program Managers evaluate whether open source software and development methodologies are applicable to their technology programs. In the Executive Summary, the paper explains open source, describes its significance, compares open source to traditional commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, presents the military business case, shows the applicability of Linux to the military business case, analyzes the use of Linux, discusses anomalies, and provides considerations for military Program Managers. The paper also provides a history of Unix and Linux, presents a business case model, and analyzes the commercial business case of Linux.
KEYWORDS: Linux, Open Source, Open Source Software, OSS, Software.
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For the complete text please download the portable document format (PDF) of this article. (http://www.mitre.org/support/papers/tech_papers_01/kenwood_software/kenwood _software.pdf).
Warm regards,
Ashish =============================================== Ashish Kotamkar (ashish@mithi.com) Mithi Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 302, Mayfair Court, Dr. Pai Marg, Baner Road, Pune 411 045. India. Tel: +91-20-729 3259/58 Fax: +91-20-729 3260 Web: http://www.mithi.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Communicate in your own language. Log onto www.mailjol.com. ===============================================
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