What is needed is a Free Software Distribution/Installation program under the GPL that allows users/distributors to customize Free Software Distribution without referring to a particular FOO distribution package.
SuSE has YaST - Yet another Setup Tool that is released under the SuSE License. RedHat has Anaconda that is covered under the RedHat Licence. We do not know what Licence will cover Fedora or the future Novell distribution. All the other Free Software included in the distributions, that are ultimately used, are covered by the GPL, FreeBSD license or other like free licence.
Recently, Knoppix has made an attractive entry by making installation as simple as loading a cd. Knoppix is released under the GPL, and based on the Debian distribution. A straightforward installation program like Knoppix, under the GPL, giving the user the choice of using any of the kernels, HURD, Linux or FreeBSD, should help the community to release more custom distributions, and we should be able to talk more plainly, generally and directly about applications, without any bother about the distribution tool/package used.