If you are a highly qualified and experienced egghead, please consider yourself invited to the mailing list at http://lists.ffii.org/mailman/listinfo/jur-parl The mailing list has been created "to collect and provide expertise on legal questions, as they become relevant for the work of FFII."
To the totally uninitiated, "egghead" means a "very studious person". All Eggheads are honoured at the WTO site with an image that symbolises their position in society ! Please visit http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/trips_e/trips_e.htm to get a view of the time honoured egghead image, and if you also find the documents there worthy of your time, to investigate ways to help to remove the thorn of "software patents" from the flesh of software developers, please subscribe to the jur-parl list and share your opinions.
Thanks, Ramanraj.