Hello everybody, Actually many words in english may have various different meanings in different context. This is bound to linguistics rather than software or GPL. So is the case with word 'free'. When it cames to software we can use as 'free as in freedom'. But we cannot stop the usage such as 'free with this pack'. because it's a common usage. and I agree with eiidp's view that GNU should focus on the 'GPL concept'. with regards Manilal ----- Original Message ----- From: eiidp eiidp@md3.vsnl.net.in Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 10:31:19 +0530 To: fsf-friends@mm.gnu.org.in Subject: Re: [Fsf-friends] Free without ambiguity and overapplicability
Freedom is the noun form of the adjective free. Freedom is derived from free.
The reverse is the fact. And through this only a single meaning of the word 'free' is evolved. And that same word 'free' is used for various other purposes.
What is needed is curtailment of the abuse of the word "free" by proprietary software entities.
There is no question of abuse, It is a question of common usage which may vary spatially, sector-wise and cultural-wise.
The whole point is that there is little need to explain the correct and proper usage by the free software movement. When the words we use exactly fit and match our matter at hand, our joy doubles.
To fit and match it exactly, the explanation should be accompanied. 'Joy' is a state of mind. This can also be attained if one is prepared to accept something else.
The most valuable contribution made by GNU to the society is the concept of GPL. The war on words contriutes little.
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