Hello list,
This post has a small story,the story which I could never understand.
Perhaps someone will help me understand it better.
With that hope I remain
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, my dear friends,
Listen,I have a story of tell, the story of house of dancing lights.
I never heard anyone mention of the house, the little house on the hill.Not until the overcast the day I sat beside the fire in this roadside inn.
'I have seen many learned men go the over hill' said anna. Anna,the inn keeper knew me from annual stopover at the inn.
'Go where,anna?' I asked.
'To the house of dancing lights, where the old white beard lives. Many learned men from lands far far away come here. On clear summer nights you can see the dancing lights,over there' anna said.
'Over that hill, I don't see any dancing lights,anna'
'No,those were good old days,the men never come.' with a sad face anna left the salon.
I decided to stay back the next day and visit the house on the hill,perhaps I meet the old white beard,strange name those country folk have.I rose early next morning, the portly inn keeper the showed my the path that led up the hill.
The path up the hill lay steep.Disused for the long time,grass grew all along the path.Sweating with excursion,I reached the house.
As I passed the gate,looking at house build with strong oak and stone.It stood there bravely deifying the menacing winds of the hills.
'Come in and sit in the shade' A voice called from the courtyard.
The white beard beckoned me.
'Its a hot day, drink this water from the spring for I have knowing more to offer.'
I drank the cool water the from jug,his calm smiling face asked no introduction,and none was given.
'Is this the house of dancing lights' I asked coyly.
'That what's the folks used to call it ' he said.
'It was known by that name, when the learned men come here' I asked.
'Learned men, with strong hands build this house. They build it with ideas,not stone and oak'
'Alas,they come no more'
'In the dark nights they built log fires and talked the things of learning,the night sky lite with sparks of joy and learning.'
Thus ending my meeting with old white beard.I left him there in the house of dancing light, now I knew why it called so.
Day flew by, again the time had come to visit my old parents in the country, I once again stopped by the inn.Anna,received me with joy and told me 'the learned come again from the lands far far away, they all go to the house over the hill'.
'Aha, the house of dancing lights, anna' I asked.
'No, I don't see dancing lights anymore' anna said and went back wiping the mugs.
I decided to visit the old white beard, walking up the steep path, I saw the path was now well used. Seeing liter lying around the path, I realized sadly how much things changed.
The grand old white beard welcome me with open arm's and come sit with me.
'So the learned men come again' I said 'yet,the night sky isn't lit with dancing sparks'.
White beard was strangely silent,his gaze so distant and disenchanted.
As if coming out of reverie, the old white beard spoke.
'My son,the learned men of the yore came here to give light of learning in the dark-th of night, sharing the warmth of their idea's.They left this place a little better every time they left.'
'Men,who cometh now desire to take what can not be given,they cast only shadows'
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The house of dancing lights is still there,on the hill.I could never understand the words of old white beard.Pray, enlighten me -arky ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Rakesh Ambati wrote:
Dear Arky,
Did you not write this wonderful story? It imparts the right feelings of mysticism suitable for understanding mailing lists. Please release your story under the GNU Free Documentation License [ http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html ].
Regards, Ramanraj.
Dear Arky,
--- Ramanraj K ramanraj@md4.vsnl.net.in wrote:
Wonderful bouque of thoughts lines up a mystique i really marvelled at.
Please try to FDL the same.
Regards, Ramanraj.
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Good Morning Trevor and Raman,
Thanks for the appreciation,the story was first written in the private correspondence with raman,I really never thought it was worth anything.
I will definitely fdl it, Can anyone put it up somewhere where people can read it.
-arky --- Trevor Warren trevorwarren@yahoo.com wrote:
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Morning Rakesh,
--- Rakesh Ambati rakesh_ambati@yahoo.com wrote:
Please mail me the appropriate formats and i will have it hosted on my servers as long as you need.
Bye and please work on other such peices Rakesh. The community has a lot of appetite for such wonderful words i can assure you.
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