Dear Sir/Madam,
1.First of all what is the diffrence between FSF and Open source.Are both same or diffrent? 2.Who is responcible for GPL / LGPL Licencing? 3.If i want my project to get GPL / LGPL Licencing should i apply for open source or fsf people.
Please Reply ASAP.
rgds, Battipati.
On Thursday 25 Dec 2008, battipatisainagendra Bhavaniprasad wrote:
1.First of all what is the diffrence between FSF and Open source.Are both same or diffrent?
FSF is an organisation that promotes free software.
Open Source is a development model that results in better, more relevant and more secure software.
2.Who is responcible for GPL / LGPL Licencing?
Whoever releases their software under the GPL or the LGPL. There is no central authority that tracks or manages all GPL/LGPL software in the world.
3.If i want my project to get GPL / LGPL Licencing should i apply for open source or fsf people.
No, just follow the guidelines in the (L)GPL (How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs) and release your software.
-- Raju