The Free Software Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation involved in
promoting freedom in software. We write this to request you to consider
using Free Software for IT programmes being implemented by your government,
thus saving money and building a strong indigenous resource base.
The main advantages of using Free software, compared to proprietary software
* Free software allows the user to modify and customise it. Thus, the
* programs can be modified by the user, if he has the know-how, or by a
* programmer hired by the user.
* The software can be installed on any number of machines, and separate
* licences are not required.
* The 'source codes' (ie. the original programs written in human language)
* are available, which can be used as very good examples to teach students.
* This is a tremendous help for budding programmers who get to see programs
* that have been written and refined by some of the world's best
* programmers.
* The GNU/Linux operating system, which is the leading Free operating system
* today, is very stable and the natural choice for most network servers.
* The GNU/Linux operating system and applications running on it are as
* user-friendly as any other. It would be possible for anyone familiar with
* computers to start using applications in GNU/Linux with a few days'
* practice.
A detailed write-up is enclosed, which explains in detail the advantages of
Free Software over proprietary software.
Hoping for a favourable response,
Yours sincerely,
for Free Software Foundation