Karl Goetz karl@kgoetz.id.au writes:
Hi all,
systems, using GNOME as the default desktop environment (others such as
XFCE or KDE are available post installation).
Download links: Live CD: http://cdimage.gnewsense.org/gnewsense-livecd-deltah-i386-2.2.iso Source tarball: http://cdimage.gnewsense.org/gnewsense-cdsource-deltah-i386-2.2.tar Torrent: http://cdimage.gnewsense.org/gnewsense-livecd-deltah-i386-2.2.iso.torrent
Short list of changes (full list available via SVN log): gNewSense:
- Installer now supports two more filesystems
- GLX re-introduced
- changed description of -updates and -backports in "Software Sources"
- use linux-image-generic instead of linux-image-386
- lsb_release output corrected
- GNU Icecat repo available via Software Sources
Substantial code restructuring
CD isos have had their naming format changed
Usplash packaging cleaned up, helping portability
Contents-$ARCH.gz files are generated
To coincide with this release, a new skin has been applied; we hope you like it.
As always, we're in #gnewsense on irc://chat.freenode.net. More details about gNewSense can be found at http://www.gnewsense.org
Karl Goetz, on behalf of the gNewSense dev, art and web teams.
PS. On a personal note, I'd like to ask you not to find major regressions in my first release. :P