--- Kush be_a_sport@rogers.com wrote:
Hi all,
I was wondering if the computing movement in India has some sort of plan for putting information on the web about computer pioneers and leaders etc in India or from India, who have done some amazing things or are
Good idea - but we may not find too many names in the list.
I know atleast 3 stories of great work done by people of Canadian origin(RIm-- blackberry phenomena, QNX real time OS from waterloo univ, APL or J by Ken Iverson) but very little about Indian achievements (except Vinod Khosla's being one of the 4 who started Sun microsystems and Sabeer Bhatia who started hotmail).
Can it be because there has been no great `Indian Achievements' so far?
The germans, italians, french, chinese and the japanese and now even the south Americans, Korean etc take so much pride in being leaders in specialised areas of the open source movement whereas we don't hear much of our pioneers.
How many `pioneers' do we have?
Makes me think of India's greatest contribution to the world of mathematics ;-)
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