renuka prasad wrote:
Thank you.
could you please share the syllabus so that it could be used as reference wherever required
/This subject deals with the basic concepts of functioning of a computer and its applications in different areas of management. The subject starts with an introduction to basics of computer, its applications, software and hardware. The subject exposes the students to basic concepts of operating system, technology in communications and Ecommerce. The discussion about office automation and the software applications are dealt here with practical implementation. /
*60 Hrs*
*MODULE 1: *
Evolution of Computers, Generation of Computers, Classification of Computers (Different Types) and Characteristics of Computers, Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers, Block Diagram of a Digital Computer. Functional units of Computer, Input/Output device, Primary and Secondary storage devices.
The Value of Information Systems and Information Technology, Technology and Society, Technology and Enterprise, Government policies and technology.
Open standards vs. Proprietary standards in documents, interoperability of document standards.
*MODULE 3: *
Communications: Network, Implementation – LAN, WAN, MAN and Internet. Network Topologies – Star, Bus, mesh, Ring. Transmission Medium.
*MODULE 4: *
E-Commerce – Meaning, Importance, Electronic Data Interchange, Types – B2B, B2C, Infrastructure, Hosting, Electronic Payment Systems –Electronic Cash, Smart Cards, Promotion. E-Governance, Cyber laws, ethics, IT/ITES – impact on society, economy
*MODULE 5: *
WORDPROCESSORS – Purpose, Functions, Applications, Features of specific Word Processor.
*MODULE 6: *
SPREADSHEETS – Purpose, Functions, Applications, Features of Specific Spreadsheet.
*MODULE 7: *
PRESENTATION – Purpose, Functions, Applications, Features of Specific Presentation.
*MODULE 8: *
DATABASE – Meaning, Functions, Applications and Basic Features of specific Database. * *
Peter Norton, Introduction to Computers, 4th Edition, TMG
V Raja Ram, Fundamentals of Computers, Third Edition, Prentice hall of India.
Brein James O. Management Information Systems
Using Word processor prepare your detailed Bio-data with Page settings Format using Fonts, Paragraph settings, Bullets and Numbering Page Numbers, Page Breaks.
Using Word processor write a letter inviting people for a Conference. Mail it to 5 people using Mail merge. Use date and time insertion, Auto text, formatting. Use find and replace to change the Venue in the merge document.
Create a Marks card Template using tables and its features. Mail merge to print marks card of 5 students.
Prepare a Brochure for your New Enterprise using Word processor. Use Picture, Clipart, Background, Borders and Graphic features
Create a presentation to launch a new product. Use layouts, graphics, Backgrounds, Formatting and alignment. Add statistical data graphs and tables of the company’s previous year’s performance. Each slide should have slide number, date, Time, and the Company Name. Also prepare handouts.
6. Using Spreadsheet,* *project the Product sales for any five products for five years. Compute the total sales of each product in the five years.
Compute the total sales of all the products in five year.
Compute the total sales of all products for each year.
Represent annual sale of all the products using Pie-Chart.
Represent annual sales of all products using Bar Chart.
Represent sale of a product for five years using Pie-Chart.
Label and format the graphs.
7. Create an Spreadsheet for attendance maintenance for 10 students in 6 subjects. Create one sheet per Month. Calculate the total attendance per student per subject in a month. Compute the percentage in each subject for each student and total percentage for each student. Create a new worksheet for the consolidated attendance. Compute the percentage of each student in a subject for all the months. Compute total percentage of each student for the whole year. Mark all students having a shortage in a different color. Make a list of students who have shortage. Sort this list based on percentage.
8. Create a Marks card for 5 students and the marks card contains the details of student name, register number, department, semester, section and 6 subjects. Compute the total marks, percentage and grade. Check the percentage and individual subject marks using logical test and print the status either “Distinction” or “First Class” or “Second Class” or “Fail”.
9. Create a database for the employees in your firm. Maintain personal. Payroll details in single table. Create a Report for a given employee, which contains Name, Employee Code, Department details from his personal file and his salary details from the payroll file. Format the report.