Anand Babu wrote:
Software Freedom is a global issue:
Any creative work is automatically protected by copyright law right from moment of its creation. Because DMCA is now a part of the US Copyright Law (mainly found under Title 17, Sections 1201 and 512), It may be possible to impose DMCA (as copyright infringement) on most countries participating in the globilization process. You should also note that, 96 countries have signed an international copyright treaty under the Berne-Convention. It is not yet clear, if DMCA will succeed in reaching far across the globe. But attempts are already visible.
The community is yet to fully understand the impact and damage, DMCA like laws can cause to the Scientific advancements and innovation. I felt like I was crippled, when hosting providers refused to offer service for the Hymn project even at a premium price.
We should press for a Universal Declaration of Computing Rights, on the lines of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Basically, -Computing is a basic necessity for life and evolution. -Computing Rights are natural, inalienable, inviolable and indestructible. -Computing Rights may be exercised through any medium, in any form and freely shared. -No one has the right to prevent others from exercising Computing Rights. -No one can be subject to penal or civil liability for exercising Computing Rights.
We need to forcefully convey the pain caused by senseless artificial restrictions on our freedom to do computation. The restrictions imposed upon the bogey of security should be more fully exposed. It is in fact possible to have robust security only if computing rights are recognised. Using punishment to prevent decryption will only result in lending support to weak encryption methods. On the contrary, recognition of the natural computing rights of all will place the responsibility for security upon the person who desires to use computing methods for profit. A fortress should stand or fall on its own strength. Realisation of this truth alone can lead to real secure systems, and at the same time preserve the valuable rights of all. Every argument in support of imposing artificial restrictions upon computing rights are hollow, false, and cannot stand scientific examination. A strong assertion of our computing rights alone will pave way for greater freedom and substantial progress.