On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 14:57 +0530, Joe Steeve wrote:
But what bothers me is that there are tonnes of students out there who lack guidance, who are looking for role models like Mr.Fadia., and getting into this line. We lose a lot of potential resources there.
Very true. People have to do, at least once in a while, a reality check. Again, unfortunately, our society is still only learning to recognise quality, especially in modern technology and science. I feel that this is only a growing up problem, for the society. Indian people have produced some fantastic pieces of work in older ages, so we do have the capacity to recognise a great piece of work when it is in a field about which our society has some knowledge. Since only a small fraction of our people still know something about computers and programming, anyone who wants to make a show of his 'talents' can get away with it. The tragedy is when the guy/gal really believes that he is exceptional, especially when (s)he really has some talent.