On Wednesday 11 July 2007 09:20, Anivar Aravind wrote:
Dear Nagarjuna,
I sent both links to PJ of groklaw. Some Interesting Observations of Rob on the MS Response is online now http://www.groklaw.net/comment.php?mode=display&sid=2007070923131729 8&title=Newspick+OOXML+India%3A+Two+points&type=article&order=&hideano nymous=0&pid=593316#c593367
Minutes of Meeting held on May 07, 2007, with comments http://www.odfalliance.in/files/2007-07-05%20Minutes%20with%20commen ts%20by%20Microsoft.pdf
These are quite old. There were a number of follow-up points discussed in the meeting, do we have data on which were actually followed up on and what the results were? Have any meetings (apart from the MS/BIS joint workshop) taken place?
-- Raju