OK what is happening
Lets stop this thread------ some anonymous mail without revealing his / her identity,
without knowing or with knowing and having some intentions to support some one or just for creating some confusions and disturb the great GNU Minds is making us all waste our energy and time
Lets neglect this mail for the following reasons -- if that person was a believer in free software philosophy then he should have given clear / bold suggestions....
1. Until and unless that person is revealing the identity 2. Even after so many threads --- he himself is sooooo inactive ( why r v wasting time) 3. Regarding changes -- that will happen naturally
Grand mother skin might be scaled / old, but that is the skin which has lot of love and care for the young skins because of which the skin glows
----If we want to comment on some one lets do one work better than what that person has done and then lets comment-- otherwise we will not have any right to comment-----
Lets stop and keep on fighting for the software freedom and carry on the free software movement initiated by RMS