I'm a third year computer science and engineering undergaduate at IIT
Guwahati. IITG has a number of students with tremendous interest in open
source softwares and development. In general there is a strong support
base for the cause. We also run among other things a mirror server for
Debian distributions.
IITG is celebrating the sixth edition of its national level technical
fetival - Techniche 2004 from 3rd to 5th September 2004.
We are willing to provide a major focus to open source in this festival.
The possibilities could be -
1. An lecture by a very popular personality - like Alan Cox(is
it possible to get him to India? if yes, how?)
2. A workshop on open source for engineering students(IITG +
colleges of North East, W. Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, etc).(Who all
can conduct this and what can be the focus areas?)
3. A contest for students for open source development.
It would be of immense help if you could offer your valuable suggestions.
Eagerly awaiting your response,
Sumit Suman