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Hello Sir,
I'm Shivprasad Ajgaonkar an ex-student of Goa Engineering College (computer) and this mail is in regards to the visit of Sir Richard Stallman to our College.
I've coded a Library Software for GNU which I'd like to put for GPL.
The Software Details and requirements are as Follows.....
User can give a search for Books / Journals by various options viz.
1. Title
2. Author / Editor
3. Accession No / Journal No
4. I.S.B.N / I.S.S.N.
5. Classification No.
6. Topic.
User can narrow the search by selecting the Field and Class option. In which �Field� refers to Branch and �Class� refers to Year or Standard.
The search tells the Availability of the book as well. This saves time of user as well as of staff at the counter. A user can give a search by topic and he gets the book details which contains that topic. It is often found that users are never sure of their spellings especially of Indian authors like "BALGURUSWAMI" which can be spelled as "BALAGURUSWAMI" or "BALGURUSWAMI" taking this into consideration, the "SOUNDS LIKE" feature is kept so that the user doesn't face any problems while searching.
By SOUNDS LIKE feature, N. D. BHATT can be spelled as N. D BHAT or PROGRAMMING IN C can be spelled as PROGRAMING IN SEA. Principle is that it should sound like the required search, spelling doesn�t matter.
Imagine a situation where the user wants a book urgently but he finds that all the copies of that book are already issued to other members. On Clicking on the accession no of the book, the user gets the information about the person to whom the book with required Title and Author is issued, so that the user can contact and request for the book.
Now, imagine a student staying far away from the college and is badly in need of a book�.. comes to college�.. the result is book not available�.. To reduce this, the feature of DEMANDS is introduced so that user can place a demand for the book sitting at home and book the copy for him and collect the same within specified date. Suppose user places a demand for a book which is not available at the counter then the user gets an AUTOMATED MAIL whenever the book is available.
User gets an account of books demanded by / issued to him and number of more book he can borrow / demand. Automated Mail Reminder is sent to the User 2 days before the date of Return and Every day after the date of Return. On every Member�s Birthday an Automated mail is sent to the member wishing him/her �HAPPY BIRTHDAY�
Administrator can send mail to All Members / All Student Members / All Staff Members whenever required. E.g. Sending Greetings for Diwali, Sending invitation for monthly staff meeting. Sending mail to all members to make them aware of changed fine structure, etc.
Issuing and Returning of Books can be done by scanning the barcode on the book and the Membership Card. Counter will have a menu for Issuing a book, Returning of book and Payment of Fines. No member of a Library can escape from paying Fines. Whenever the member comes to return a book, Software will indicate that this person has to pay fine and until and unless he pays the fine, the book is not returned and if book is not returned fine will go on increasing. (Amount of fine is set by the Administrator).
Add / Edit / Delete Books, Members & Journals' information. Similarly he has right to Add / Edit / Delete Section & Fields
Administrator has Mini Address Book wherein he can store the email Address of publisher / supplier and send him online order for books via INTERNET. The Administrator has to make an entry like Title, Author, No of Copies required, etc. and the AUTOMATED EMAIL goes to the Suppliers giving him the details of the book.
Software provides a script to Generate and Print Membership Card (with Barcode and Members photograph and Librarian�s Signature) and Barcodes for Books.
Librarian / Administrator has rights to enter/edit the college/school name, Librarian�s Name and E-MAIL ID, Set Standard Values viz. Fine Rate, Fine for Loss of Card, No. of Books issued to the members, No of days a member can keep the book etc.
And very important Feature is Administrator gets the log of Books issued, Books Returned, Fines Paid, etc. �Librarian has to Show the account of all the books bought during the Year.� Taking this into consideration the facility is kept so that librarian gets details for the books bought between 2 specified dates.
To reduce Librarian / Administrators task, two additional users viz. Member & Book are added to make entry of Members and Books respectively.
HARDWARE : Pentium II 450MHz or above
RAM 32 MB or above
SOFTWARE : Linux As Operating system
Apache Web Server
PhP (Scripting Language)
MySQL Database Server.
HARDWARE : Pentium II 450MHz or above
RAM 32 MB or above
Barcode Scanner at Counter. (optional)
Scanner to Scan Photographs. (optional)
Php is new and strong scripting language works with a web server. Strong feature of Php is, it is executed at the server and sends just the HTML output to the client thus saves the access time. Database handling thought Php is simpler.
MySQL is free if used with the Web-Server. And mainly because of Soundex function of MySQL. Search results are faster. Handles Large Data.
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