I have been to some ILUG meetings in Mumbai. Its a pity I couldn't all of
them, I study at Nagpur.
Why don't we do something about the ILUG site. Most of the links point
nowhere. A bunch of motivated linuxers can't hammer up a good site? Maybe,
we should all work towards that direction.
Again, most of the time we talk about configuring this, installing that
using this etcetra. But how may of us really take development seriously. We
frown at lack of documentation, but how many of us give a hought about
actually sitting down there and writing docs. How many of us develop or say
even contribute?
I don't know, though I joined the list only today, I strongly feel about
what I am saying here. And it's high time we all did something about it.
With best wishes,
Amol Hatwar.