ACM Seminar - Text Indexing
Friday, June 20, 2003 - 6:30 p.m.
Speaker: Jayprasad J. Hegde
Venue: Lecture Theatre, NCST, Juhu
Blah blah blah....
Abstract: Ever wondered how Search Engines are able to search for a
word in their maddeningly-huge collection of documents? The answer is
simple - they use Indices. Indices are surrogates for documents,
which are optimised for such search operations. In this seminar,
we'll look at issues which play a big role in the choice of not only
the approach chosen, but also the method used in construction. The
seminar will wind-up with a look at Google's method of constructing
About the Speaker: Jayprasad J. Hegde (or "JJ" as he's fondly known)
is a Scientist at NCST. He is currently interested in Information
Retrieval - and this has nothing to do with what cops do with thugs -
and also Machine Translation. He also happens to be the Chair of the
ACM Mumbai chapter.