I have recently installed the open source distro of Linux Mandrake on my IBM
Thinkpad 770Z Laptop on a journalised ext3 partition together with win XP on an
NTFS partition. My soundcard is a crystal Semiconductors cirrus logic card whose
specs are given below:
Cirrus CS4610/1 CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio
The mandrake conf tool says that the required driver is labelled cs46xx, and
that it has been moduled in the kernel, but I am getting no sounds at all. The
hardware is fine, because I get sound when I boot to XP.
The dmesg output says that my drivers are not moduled in the kernel. Therefore,
I did make xconfig and looked it up. I moduled the relevant drivers and did make
dep, make modules, make modules_install etc and created new boot images and
recompiled. The recompiled kernel clobbered my linux as I could not access any
services at all, let alone sound. I restored the earlier images and kernel files
from backups and was able to restore my system to it's original configuration,
but still not getting any sound.
Since I am new to Linux, I do not know details about linux kernels and how to
compile them properly, despite my following the LINUX KERNEL HOWTO doc to the
hilt. I am in dire need of assistance from a more knowledgeable linux
user/administrator who can instruct me on what to do.