MTNL Triband is on and I am on the lookout for downloading a 64 bit OS.
I need something that would help me get started without hassling me
with inane device issues. (FC4 fails in trying to 'line discipline' my serial mouse
and doesn't see my ASUS onboard lan card
and Debian went modprobe -v ide-detect failed in installation)
Back to 64-bit
So I tried Knoppix, which seems to have only Live versions.
Next on my favourites list was Suse, here 64 bit is only available as a DVD image.
(Sadly no DVD writer... yet :)
So in short my query/plea here is pls help me find a 64-bit Linux distro that will
know how to work with all my peripherals (keyboard + mouse) and help me see
64 bit computing at work. The smaller the download the better, I won't use
this for anything other than a File/Web server and to continue my exp with Ruby.
Need a Gnome GUI though.. not that confident at Linux yet.
Gishu Pillai