Dear Ivan,
Find my reply inline in this mail.
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 08:17:26 +0530, "Ivan Bayross"
<ivan(a)> said:
> Dear Amish,
> I'm not really sure about your Email.
> Does this mean that you've given me five minutes to speak about the
> Commercial Aspect of RDBMS ?
We have not had any technical seminars for a very long time
in the LUG meet, so I would prefer if we can have a technical
meet. Application of technology (commercial aspect) should
preferably be limited to 5 mins. I am not the owner of the
LUG, no on is the owner of the LUG. So no one decides how
much time should you spend on what. If you need more time on
the commercial front then you are free to speak on the same.
> If its Okay with you I'd rather not compare MySQL with Oracle 9iAS (or
> vise
> versa). I'd like to speak about MySQL itself and what can be done with
> it
> in the commercial application development space such as Banking,
> Inventory,
> ERPII and so on.
MySQL has had some recent feature enhancements, most of the
people know a little about them, it would be great if you can
enlighten us with facts.
> I've never attended any of the LUG meets hence I'd need some way of
> identifying myself to you or anyone else so that I get my five minutes in
> the sun on that day. If you could help out there as well I'd feel pretty
> happy.
You are welcomed for the GLUG meet, I am trying to fix it for
next sunday (27th June). I will be mailing on the list the
exact details which should make the final schedule clear. You
may contact me on 9820931263 if need be.
Thanks for your participation.
> Regards,
> Ivan Bayross