Here are a few suggestions that will hopefully help members of this list
enjoy their stay here and avoid the flame wars that keep flaring up and
take up precious bandwidth. Just like a doze machine that has its
resources eaten up by viruses, spam, spyware and bloatware, we could all
contribute towards reducing flame wars and promote better relations
among members. Here are some guide lines we could all follow.
1. We are all guests on this list, which means we have to abide by the
host's (list's) rules and regulations. It includes abiding by the rules
of moderation which is necessary for any public list. Without moderation
there is chaos.
2. We have not created this list but have joined it for the purpose of
being in touch with other GNU/Linux users of Mumbai. Our rights and
privileges on this list are limited and not absolute.
3. If we had created this list then members would have the freedom to
leave it whenever they found our messages insulting or personally
attacking. However since this list is created by others and we are only
guests here, it can be a very difficult and embarrassing situation for
one guest to find that he/she is being attacked by another guest.
4. This is a public list with the scope of discussions limited to Open
Source / Free Software, Software Freedom and occasionally technology
related matters off topic, there is absolutely NO scope for discussions
on social or political issues unless they are directly related to
incidents of use or restriction of use of Free Software in rare cases.
5. Personal matters and feelings have no place on this list and this
list is not to be taken personally in any way. This also means that we
cannot allow our personal feelings, however strong and passionate about
certain issues, to influence our communication as well as responses to
others' messages.
6. There is freedom to disagree with others' points of view but this is
in no way a consent to verbally attack the person. It should be noted by
all members that harsh criticisms as well as ridicules of a member or
his/her messages are equally insulting to that member, just like
personal attacks and all members should refrain from doing it, however
strongly or passionately they feel about certain issues. This also
includes observing restraint by older members.
7. If a member has made a mistake or accidentally broken list rules then
he/she should be made aware of the error in a polite way even if it
involves putting the member under moderation or removal from this list.
No member is justified to use harsh or insulting words towards the
erring member.
8. When replying to members of the opposite sex, members must be careful
not to use any words, phrases or sentences that comment in any way on
the gender of the opposite member. This reduces the scope of any
misunderstanding and reduces the chances of any member complaining of
gender bias against another member.
9. Although this list has no place for personal feelings, all members
must look upon fellow members as virtual or internet friends and just as
in real life, they must be accommodating towards other members in case
they err or make mistakes. Don't we expect the same treatment from other
members towards us.
10. We are not just members of the list but also its salespersons. We
have to present our GLUG in the best possible way to others so that more
members can join in and make this community larger and happier.
Naturally this starts with being proud of our GLUG and doing whatever is
possible to spread knowledge and happiness to others and promote
peaceful and cordial relations amongst all members. Peace and happiness
to everyone. Ubuntu!
GNU/Linux !
No Viruses
No Spyware
Only Freedom.