India is kind of somewhat a sad situation. Compared to the amount of educated people, I think India is fairly low on the list compared to what it could be. Culturally it should be fairly easy, because language barriers should not be there. If you are educated in India, you know English even if it is not your first language. So India actually should have an easier time being involved in some of the discussions. Don't get me wrong, there are developers, but just not as many as I would expect. And I don't know quite why.
There is a fair amount of really enthusiastic local LUGs and I get to hear about them. But, at the same time I don't know India, you know much better. My gut feeling is that a lot of the actual professional developers in India see software development as a job and not as a hobby. That's the kind of picture I've gotten, I don't know if it's true. If you see it [software development] as a job and not as a hobby the whole open source thing is not as natural anymore.