My connection bandwidth is 512 and using MTNL Triband. Just recently problems started cropping up. It was never a problem earlier. I used to get healthy 54KBps from was recently throttled to provide a maximum of 48KBps (or 384Kbps) to each client. However remains unthrottled and can possibly provide a maximum of 1MBps (or 8Mbps). For further discussion regarding you may please join
WBUT recently changed their mirror configuration, and it is now using FTP instead of HTTP. You can contact the WBUT admins by mailing to "Susmit", "Indranil Das Gupta"
Since both allow a fixed number of clients to their Fedora mirrors, you might sometimes get: "Error 421: There are too many users... please try later". In that case Yum would move on to the next Asian mirror. If these Asian mirrors are too slow, you should notify the Fedora mirror managers.
Does yum require some more tinkering?
You can try using "metadata_expire=604800" in /etc/yum.conf to save some time spent in downloading the metadata every time.
Cheers, Debarshi